Yield Rate Overview and Rankings

Top Business Schools (MBA)

Metrics and Rankings

Discover how top MBA programs rank based on their yield rates, which indicate the percentage of accepted applicants who choose to enroll. This metric offers insight into a program's appeal and competitiveness, as a higher yield often reflects the institution's prestige and desirability among students. Prospective MBA candidates can consider these rankings to identify which schools attract the most committed students, potentially guiding their application decisions towards schools that excel not only in attracting applicants but also in convincing them to attend.

Yield Rate - Top Business Schools (MBA)
RankProgramYield Rate
1Harvard Business School86%
2Stanford GSB80%
3University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)62%
4HEC Paris59%
5Columbia Business School56.7%
6Duke Fuqua54.9%
7MIT Sloan52%
8University of Chicago Booth49%
9Haas Berkeley39%
10Yale SOM38.8%
11Northwestern Kellogg38.2%
12Cornell Johnson38%
13Dartmouth Tuck37.6%
14UCLA Anderson34.7%
15Virginia Darden34.1%
16NYU Stern33.9%
-London Business SchoolNo Data
-IESE Business SchoolNo Data
-University of Cambridge JudgeNo Data