Category: About the Praxis Exam
The Praxis at Home: Take the Praxis Without Going to a Test Center
If your local test center is closed or you prefer not to go yet, ETS offers the Praxis at Home. Learn how to register, what you’ll need at home, and more.
Praxis Accommodations: Resources, Links, and Instructions
Like other ETS exams, Praxis offers a variety of accommodations. Learn how to apply for Praxis accommodations, and simulate them when doing your test prep.
Predicting Your Praxis Score When Constructed Response is Involved
The wait for your official Praxis score can be maddening, doubly so when you’re waiting for a Praxis constructed response score. Here’s how to predict your practice score when it involves constructed response.
The Difference Between Praxis Core and Praxis I (PPST)
As of September 1, 2014, the Praxis Core exam replaced Praxis I, or the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST). Some colleges use the Praxis Core exam as a prerequisite for their teacher education program. Some states also require the exam as part of the process to get licensed as a teacher. As you prepare for the…
How do I Cancel my Praxis Registration?
Sometimes things happen and you need to cancel your Praxis registration. Can you do that? How do you do that? If you are here wondering, “how do I cancel my Praxis registration?” I have good news and bad news for you. The Good News If I want to cancel my Praxis registration, all I need…
How to Cancel Your Praxis Scores
If something comes up in the middle of the Praxis or you feel sure you bombed, here’s how to cancel your Praxis scores. Tip: you probably don’t want to.
What Is the Praxis Exam Pass Rate?
With the pressure to pass the Praxis exams, you may be wondering what the Praxis exam pass rate could be. How many people retake the exams? Here are some things that you should know about the Praxis exam pass rate. Praxis Exam Pass Rate For the latest data collected, the Praxis exam pass rate was…
4 Common Praxis Pitfalls
If you find yourself taking the Praxis over and over again, you could be running into one of these common Praxis pitfalls. Click here to know what they are!
Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Praxis Score
What can you do to score better on the Praxis exam? Find out in this post as we discuss the top 10 ways to improve your Praxis score.
How Long Until I Get My Praxis Scores?
You may or may not have gotten the unofficial scores at the end of your test, but you’re probably ready to know, “how long until I get my Praxis scores?”