Sometimes after a hard day student teaching, you just need a good pick me up! Enjoy these student teaching jokes and have a good laugh.
Here is a corny one that you might get a kick out of:
“There is one person in our district who is all about No Child Left Behind.” “Oh yeah, who’s that?” “The bus driver.”
Does including a No Child Left Behind joke date me? I will get to work on some Common Core student teaching jokes, I promise!
I’ll just wait.
And wait. And wait some more…
Where my Pre-K and Elementary teachers at?
Crying is just part of a routine day, am I right? Hopefully, for most days, it’s the small children crying and not you, but hey, I’ve been there.
Managing stress as a teacher can be hard work! Let me get you some more student teaching jokes, shall I?
Hopefully none of the co-workers I’m trying to impress saw my goofy “no copy room line” happy dance… Oh, am I the only one who does that? Carry on, then.
A lot of student teaching is about figuring out your role in the teaching world.
It takes a while to find your teaching voice, not to mention a teaching job! Good luck out there. 🙂
One last bonus student teaching joke.
This one isn’t so much a joke about student teaching as a corny joke you can use with your kiddos while student teaching.
Q: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A: Fsssshhhh.
Ok, yes, super corny. But trying to form a relationship with kids is easier with some silly jokes up your sleeve. And some days we all just need to laugh. 🙂
Looking for more?
Check out our post 5 Student Teaching Memes for Your Enjoyment.
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