Jamie Goodwin

5 Student Teaching Memes for Your Enjoyment

When I was in school, my teachers plastered their walls with what they called inspirational posters. There were pictures of stars that reminded us to reach for our dreams or mountains that told us to work harder and aspire higher. There were also plenty of pictures of cats, which appeared creepier than anything else.

Thankfully, people are getting more clever and creating memes that teachers and students can relate to and enjoy. Here are some of the best memes that you can refer to or use during student teaching.  

Student teaching memes, little boy having a rough morning - magooshLet’s face it. Student teaching is rough. You’re going to have days when you struggle to get out of bed and get to school. I think this meme could just as easily refer to the end of the school day, too. Keep this meme somewhere where you’ll see if often to remind you to keep your sense of humor.

Ryan Gosling memes are all over the Internet. It seems like he’s always offering encouragement to women. Why shouldn’t he be used in student teaching memes, too? If you’re a Ryan Gosling fan (and I know that I am), consider using this meme to remind yourself that you’re doing awesome. He can be your own personal cheerleader whenever you need an extra dose of encouragement.

The original quote from Pitch Perfect made me laugh out loud when I first saw the movie. And of course, the film was a hit with youth, too. Many of them are going to recognize the picture and the quote, and they’ll think the poster is a clever reminder about the importance of honesty and academic integrity. Use the poster to remind students not to cheat or copy other people’s work.

Students may not recognize the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld anymore, but you will and it’ll make you smile to see it. If it’s appropriate, you could even show a YouTube clip from the show to familiarize students with the character. Hang the poster up to remind students that they need to turn their work in on time. You won’t want to deal with students who don’t turn anything in all semester and then come asking for extra credit. Let the meme remind them of the importance of staying on top of their work and getting everything in on time.

As a teacher, you’ll find that it’s the little victories that keep you going throughout the day. Remember to look for the good, and celebrate your little victories throughout the day.


  • Jamie Goodwin

    Jamie graduated from Brigham Young University- Idaho with a degree in English Education. She spent several years teaching and tutoring students at the elementary, high school, and college level. She currently works as a contract writer and curriculum developer for online education courses. In her free time, she enjoys running and spending time with her boys!

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