Hello! This week marks the start of a new series called “Real World Matters”. We’ll explore real life situations where you can apply your GMAT knowledge. These videos will introduce you to terminology and context that could show up on your test. That way, you’ll be ready for anything the GMAT throws at you on test day :).
Leave me a comment/question below too, if you’d like!
At UC Santa Cruz, Kevin Rocci began a decade of teaching and tutoring with the Stevenson College Junior Fellow and Writing Assistance programs. He has worked with adults and kids, tutoring the GRE, GMAT, and SAT at Kaplan and teaching English as a Second Language in the JET Programme and at the Intercultural Institute of California. At Magoosh, he expanded beyond teaching, building and managing teams, like Student Help and Content. When he’s not Magooshing, you can find him spinning his toddler in circles. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.
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