Two Month TOEFL Study Plan

TOEFL Two Month Study Schedule - image by Magoosh

(60-Day) Two Month TOEFL Study Plan

This two-month TOEFL study schedule is designed for self-study test prep only. I highly recommend that you seek out other opportunities to practice, especially conversation with English speakers, but that is not included in the schedule because it depends on what opportunities you have.

This plan is mostly designed to get you familiar with the TOEFL format and question types, but with the end goal of getting your TOEFL scores to an acceptable level. That means some of the material focuses on academic English in general, including vocabulary and grammar.

Each week, there are 6 days of preparation. One day per week will be a rest day, which isn’t included in the schedule. Use that day to relax!

button to two month study plan

TOEFL Prep Resources

To follow this schedule fully, you’ll need five things:

Optional Materials

If you have over two hours to spend studying each day, you can supplement the below schedule with these materials:

    • Quick Prep (Note that Quick Prep is older and slightly out-of-date. Quick Prep is currently hosted by and a number of students have indicated that the content loads slowly. Before you use Quick Prep, check out Magoosh’s guide to using older TOEFL prep.

Plan on spending between one and two hours each day to stay on this schedule, although some days will be less, and the practice tests will take longer.

Ready to take a TOEFL practice test now? Check out our favorite (and FREE!) TOEFL practice tests from around the web!

Using Magoosh’s TOEFL Essay Feedback Service In Your Study Schedule

Magoosh offers TOEFL essay feedback to our premium subscribers. Those with a six-month Magoosh TOEFL subscription can get up to four of their essays scored. The one-month plan includes one scored essay. While we don’t strictly require the use of essay grading in our TOEFL study schedules, it can definitely be useful.

If you have just one essay credit, it’s good to use that credit in the first week of your study plan. That way you can check your Writing “baseline” and get some feedback on how you should improve over the course of your study schedule.

If you have four essay credits, it’s still get one essay scored at the beginning. However, from there, you should space your remaining essays evenly throughout the rest of your schedule. That way, you can periodically re-check your progress. And the feedback you receive can help you decide which Writing skills to focus on in a given week. 

button to two month study plan

Two-Month TOEFL Study Schedule Breakdown

Week One

Week 1, Day 1:

  • Lessons:
    • Watch the first four videos in Magoosh: under Introduction to the TOEFL, from “Overview of the TOEFL” to “Listening Section.”
  • Magoosh Practice:
    • Start working on Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards. Begin with the “common” deck. Master 20 words at minimum. If you believe this deck is very easy for you, finish it today.
    • Complete Magoosh TOEFL Blog Reading Practice Set Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride (the first practice set in the linked PDF).
  • Official Practice:
    • Complete Listening Practice Sets 1 and 2 on the Listening Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. You will need to download the second set, complete with audio file, by clicking on the download link under the “Need More Practice?” heading at the bottom of the first set.
    • Complete Reading Practice Set 1 on Reading Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets.
      Your goal is to become familiar with the format of the test—don’t worry too much about how many right and wrong answers you get.

    Week 1, Day 2:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the video “Using the Grammar Lessons” in Introduction to TOEFL Grammar.
      • Watch any 4-5 grammar videos in Magoosh of your choice according to your weaknesses.
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Master at least 20 more words in Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards. Again, if you believe the deck you are working on is easy for you, finish it today.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete speaking practice questions 1 and 2 from the Speaking Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets.
      • Complete Writing Practice Set 1 from the Writing Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. Your goal is to become familiar with the format of the TOEFL and how much time you have for each task. Don’t worry about grading yourself.
    • General Reading and Listening Practice
      • Go to Find a short article to read. Use a dictionary as you read it, and put new words that you think will be helpful onto flashcards. Review the flashcards after reading

    Week 1, Day 3:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next three videos in Magoosh: under Introduction to the TOEFL, from “Speaking Section” to “Studying for the TOEFL.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
      • Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions associated with three different recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong. If you start a fourth recording, return to the dashboard by clicking “Magoosh” at the top left of the screen to exit your practice.

    Week 1, Day 4:

    • Lessons:
      • In Magoosh, watch the first two videos under Reading, titled “Pacing While Reading” and “Sample Passage: Clonal Colonies.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the speaking section of practice test 1 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Use either your phone or this online recorder to record your answers. Don’t worry about grading them today. You will listen to them later.
    • General Reading and Listening Practice
      • Go to and find a presentation by a native English speaker that you want to watch. Take notes on the presentation. Be sure to keep your notes as short as possible while still including all the main ideas of the presentation. After watching once, turn on English subtitles, if they are available, so you can read while you listen again.
      • NOTE: From now on, this schedule will not include presentations. This assignment today is only to introduce you to the resource. If you have extra time in future days, return to, similar to

    Week 1, Day 5:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch any 3-4 grammar videos in Magoosh of your choice according to your weaknesses.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the Reading section of practice test 1 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Give yourself exactly 54 minutes to complete it.
    • General Reading and Listening Practice
      • Return to the flashcards you made when you last read an article from Review them for 10-20 minutes.

    Week 1, Day 6:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the first four videos under Speaking, from “How to Practice Speaking” to “Other People Talking.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Spend 10 – 20 minutes reviewing vocabulary flashcards that you studied this week.
    • Official Practice:
        • Take the listening section of Practice Test 1 from the software that comes with the Official Guide.

      Score yourself with the table at the back of the book. Review your incorrect answers carefully.


    Week Two

    Week 2, Day 1:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the first three videos under Listening, the “Sample Recording” videos.
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Speaking” button on your Dashboard. Answer 4 questions. Watch the explanation video for every question.
      • Complete Magoosh TOEFL Blog Reading Practice Set The Legacy of Edmund Wilson (the second practice set in the linked PDF).
    • Official Practice:
      • Return to the speaking task recordings you created on week 1, day 4. Listen to your responses, noting any problems. Repeat the same tasks better than the first time, attempting to include new vocabulary in every answer.
      • Complete Reading Practice Set 2 on Reading Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. Review your incorrect answers carefully, learning from your mistakes.

    Week 2, Day 2:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch any 3-4 grammar videos in Magoosh of your choice.
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the listening section of practice test 1 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Review your wrong answers carefully so that you understand why you made every mistake.

    Week 2, Day 3:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the first three videos under Writing, from “The Five-Paragraph Essay” to “Integrated Introduction Sample.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete one essay, and watch the explanation video.

    Week 2, Day 4:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch once again the second video under Reading, titled “Sample Passage: Clonal Colonies.”
      • Watch the next two videos under Reading, the “Question Type” videos from “Vocabulary in Context” to “Detail.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Take the speaking section of Practice Test 1 from the software that comes with the Official Guide. Record your answers so you can review them later.

    Week 2, Day 5:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Main Idea” to “Where is the Main Idea?”
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the writing section of practice test 1 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.

    Week 2, Day 6:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch 4-5 new grammar videos in Magoosh.
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
    • Official Practice:
      • Listen to the recordings of your answers that you made on week 2, day 1. Compare the quality of your answers to the sample answers that come with The Official Guide to the TOEFL iBT, 6th Edition, and also check the transcripts and explanations for those sample responses.


    Week Three

    Week 3, Day 1:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Detail” to “Using Your Notes”
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions associated with three different recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong. If you start a fourth recording, return to the dashboard by clicking “Magoosh” at the top left of the screen to exit your practice.
    • Official Practice:
      • Return to the speaking task recordings you created on week 2, day 4. Listen to your responses, noting any problems. Repeat the same tasks better than the first time, attempting to include new vocabulary in every answer.
      • Read the essays that you wrote on week 2, day 5. Compare them to the sample answers explanations in the book. Grade yourself based on which sample essays yours was most similar to. Edit both your essays to improve them.

    Week 3, Day 2:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Speaking, “Task 1 – Choose One from Two” and “Task 1 – Sample Answers.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Take the Reading section of Practice Test 1 from the software that comes with the Official Guide. Give yourself exactly 54 minutes to complete it. Score yourself with the table at the back of the book, and review your incorrect answers carefully.

    Week 3, Day 3:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Speaking, “Task 2 -Conversation and Reading” and “Task 2 – Sample Answer.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Speaking” button on your Dashboard. Answer 4 questions. Watch the explanation video for every question.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete Listening Practice Sets 3 and 4 on the Listening Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. To get these later sets, complete with audio files, you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of that page and click the download link under the “Need More Practice?” link.
      • Complete speaking practice questions 3 and 4 from the Speaking Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. Record your answers to the speaking section. Review your incorrect answers to the speaking section carefully. Listen to your recordings, and note what could be improved. Then, answer the questions again with those improvements.

    Week 3, Day 4:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Integrated Structure A” and “Integrated Structure B.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete Writing Practice Set 2 from the Writing Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. After finishing, set it aside until next week.

    Week 3, Day 5:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh.
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the reading section of practice test 2 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Carefully review your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes.

    Week 3, Day 6:

    Today, you’re going to take a full practice test. If you don’t have a full four hours to spend, then switch this day with a day next week when you will have the time. You need four hours with no interruptions at your computer.

    Take practice test 2 from the software that comes with the Official Guide. Do not take breaks during a section, and be careful with the clock. The software will give you the timer for most parts, but here is the timing for reference:

    • Reading section: 54 minutes
    • Listening section: 16.5 minutes total to answer the questions of all five recordings. Stop the timer when you are listening to the recordings. ))
    • BREAK: 10 minutes (have a quick snack!)
    • Speaking section: (You will need to time yourself and record yourself in the speaking section, so be prepared.)
      • 15 seconds to prepare, 45 seconds to speak.
      • 30 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
      • 30 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
      • 20 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
    • Writing section:
      • 20 minutes
      • 30 minutes


    Week Four

    Week 4, Day 1:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next three videos under Reading, from “Except” to “Purpose.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
      • Complete the third practice set in Magoosh’s TOEFL Reading Question Types PDF. It’s the one entitled “The Caravaggio Mystery.”
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete Reading Practice Set 3 on Reading Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. Carefully review your answers and learn from your mistakes in the reading section.
      • Complete speaking practice questions 5 and 6 from the Speaking Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. Save the recordings of your answers to the speaking section.

    Week 4, Day 2:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Integrated Body Sample (Structure A)” and “Integrated Body Sample (Structure B).”
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Return to the essay you wrote for Writing Practice Set 2 from the Writing Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. Edit and add to it to make it even better.
      • Return to your answers from speaking practice questions 5 and 6 from the Speaking Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. Listen and note what could be improved. Answer them again with those improvements.

    Week 4, Day 3:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Function” and “Getting in the Speaker’s Head.”
      • Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete one essay, and then watch the explanation video.
      • Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.

    Week 4, Day 4:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Speaking, “Task 3 – Lecture & Reading” and “Task 3 – Sample Answer.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the first portion of the listening section (three recordings, 17 questions) of practice test 3 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.
      • Complete the speaking section of practice test 2 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Record your answers for review next week.

    Week 4, Day 5:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Essay 2 -Independent” and “Independent Introduction Sample.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the writing section of practice test 2 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.

    Week 4, Day 6:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Reading, “Reference” and “Paraphrase”
      • Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the first three reading practice sets in the Official Guide, in the Reading chapter. Carefully review your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes.


    Week Five

    Week 5, Day 1:

    Congratulations—you’ve finished half of the two-month study schedule! Keep up that hard work. 🙂

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Attitude” and “Tone of Voice.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
      • Spend 10-20 minutes working on your vocabulary using these vocabulary exercises.
    • Official Practice:
      • Return to your answers to the speaking questions in practice test 2 of Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Listen and note what could be improved. Answer them again with those improvements.

    Week 5, Day 2:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Independent Structure A” and “Independent Structure B.”
      • Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Speaking” button on your Dashboard. Answer 4 questions. Watch the explanation video for every question.
    • Official Practice:
      • In the Official Guide, read the first example Indepdent Writing prompt in the Writing chapter. Outline your own answer to the question (don’t write the essay yet—just prepare for it). Then, read the sample essays and scoring commentary on the pages that follow. After you read each essay and before you read the rater comments, critique the essay yourself. What are its strengths and weaknesses? What would you have done differently? What aspects of this essay might you try to incorporate into your own writing? Then return to your outline, and write your own response.

    Week 5, Day 3:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch 2 new grammar videos in Magoosh
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete one essay, and then watch the explanation video.
      • Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.

    Week 5, Day 4:

    Week 5, Day 5:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Reading, “Insert Text” and “Summary.”
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete Listening Practice Sets 5 and 6 on the Listening Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. To get these later sets, complete with audio files, you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of that page and click the download link under the “Need More Practice?” link.
      • Complete the second portion of the listening section of practice test 3 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.

    Week 5, Day 6:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the final video under Reading, titled “Category”
      • Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the reading section of practice test 4 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Give yourself exactly 54 minutes to complete it.


    Week Six

    Week 6, Day 1:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Organization,” and “Structural Key Words,”
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
    • Official Practice:

    Week 6, Day 2:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the next two videos under Writing, “Independent Body Sample (Structure A)” and “Independent Body Sample (Structure B)”
      • Watch the next two videos under Listening, “Question Type: Inference,” and “Don’t Go Too Far.”
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete Listening Practice Set 7 on the Listening Practice Sets under TOEFL iBT Practice Sets. To get these later sets, complete with audio files, you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of that page and click the download link under the “Need More Practice?” link.
      • Return to any two of your previously written essays. Edit and add to them to make them even better.

    Week 6, Day 3:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the final video under Writing, “Independent Conclusion Sample.”
      • Watch 3-4 new grammar videos in Magoosh and review 1 more.
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the speaking section of practice test 4 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Record your answers so you can review them later.

    Week 6, Day 4:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the last two videos under Speaking, “Task 4 – Lecture” and “Task 4 – Sample Answer.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the reading section of practice test 3 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Carefully review your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes.

    Week 6, Day 5:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch the final two videos in Listening, “Question Type: Filling in Tables” and “Easiest to Hardest.”
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
    • Official Practice:

    Week 6, Day 6:

    Today, you’re going to take a full practice test. If you don’t have a full four hours to spend, then switch this day with a day next week when you will have the time. You need four hours with no interruptions at your computer.

    Take the practice test 3 from the software that comes with the Official Guide. Do not take breaks during a section, and be careful with the clock. The software will give you the timer for most parts, but here is the timing for reference:

    • Reading section: 54 minutes
    • Listening section: 16.5 minutes total to answer the questions of all five recordings. Stop the timer when you are listening to the recordings. )
    • BREAK: 10 minutes (have a quick snack!)
    • Speaking section: (You will need to time yourself and record yourself in the speaking section, so be prepared.)
      • 15 seconds to prepare, 45 seconds to speak.
      • 30 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
      • 30 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
      • 20 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to speak.
    • Writing section:
      • 20 minutes
      • 30 minutes


    Week Seven

    Week 7, Day 1:

    • Lessons:
      • Watch half of the Magoosh grammar lessons that you have not seen before.
    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete two essays and watch the explanation videos.

    Week 7, Day 2:

    • Lessons:
      • Finish watching the Magoosh grammar lessons.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the listening section of practice test 4 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.

    Week 7, Day 3:

    • Official Practice:
      • Review all of your answers from the full practice test you took at the end of last week. Pay careful attention to your wrong answers in reading and listening, learning from your mistakes. Grade your speaking and writing tasks by comparing them with the examples given in the software.

    Week 7, Day 4:

    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
      • Spend 20-30 minutes working on your vocabulary either with Magoosh’s TOEFL flashcards or these vocabulary exercises.
    • Official Practice:

    Week 7, Day 5:

    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Listening” button on your Dashboard. Answer all of the questions associated with three recordings (about 17 questions). Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the writing section of practice test 4 in the book Official TOEFL iBT Tests.

    Week 7, Day 6:


    Week Eight

    Week 8, Day 1:

    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Speaking” button on your Dashboard. Answer 4 questions. Watch the explanation video for every question.
    • Official Practice:
      • Return to the essays you wrote for practice test 4 of Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Edit them and add to them to make them even better.

    Week 8, Day 2:

    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Spend 30 to 60 minutes reviewing vocabulary that you have studied in the last two months.
    • Official Practice:
      • Return to the recordings of your responses to practice test 3 from Official TOEFL iBT Tests. Repeat the same tasks better than the first time, attempting to include new vocabulary in every answer.

    Week 8, Day 3:

    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Writing” button on your Dashboard. Complete one essay and watch the explanation video.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the last three reading practice sets in the Official Guide, in the Reading chapter. Give yourself no more than 18 minutes per passage (including the questions). Carefully review your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes.

    Week 8, Day 4:

    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Spend 30 minutes reviewing vocabulary that you have studied in the last two months.
    • Official Practice:
      • Take the writing section of Practice Test 1 from the software that comes with the Official Guide. Grade your essays by comparing them with the examples given in the software.

    Week 8, Day 5:

    • Magoosh Practice:
      • Click the “Practice Reading” button on your Dashboard. Answer 10 questions, until the text changes to a new topic passage. Watch the explanation video for every question you get wrong.
    • Official Practice:
      • Complete the five listening practice sets in the Official Guide, in the Listening chapter. Carefully review your wrong answers, learning from your mistakes.

    Week 8, Day 6:

    Download TOEFL 2-month study schedule - magoosh

    If you have time remaining:

    • Review Magoosh videos and practice questions daily.
    • Review vocabulary that you’ve already learned.
    • Plan 10 essays based on the questions in the Independent Writing topic list in the Writing Chapter of the Official Guide. Write 1 or 2 of them. Set them aside for a day or two, then come back and edit/improve those essays.
    • Answer questions from the Independent Writing topic list mentioned above as if they were speaking task 1 questions. Record your answers.
    • Complete these additional free practice materials from ETS.
    • Regularly listen to TED talks and read articles from New York Times or Newsweek. After every article or talk, summarize what you learned either in writing or in speech. If you speak your summary, record yourself.


    The day before your TOEFL test:

    You’re going to dominate tomorrow! Be confident, and don’t study today. Relaxing is much more important. If you’ve followed this two-month TOEFL study schedule, you should be in good shape for the test. Get a good night’s sleep, and have a healthy breakfast in the morning. Good luck!


    By the way, sign up for Magoosh TOEFL Prep! You’ll get access to 110 lesson videos that cover everything you need to do well on the TOEFL! Click here to learn more.


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