Kevin Lin

LSAT Study Schedules (Updated 2024)

Woman looking at calendar to find best Magoosh LSAT study plans

The LSAT study schedules on this page will help you make the most of your Magoosh LSAT subscription and the official LSAT materials you can access with it. Each study plan contains recommendations on when to watch lessons, take practice tests, and drill problems from the Magoosh LSAT program or from the official LSAT PrepTests. These LSAT study schedules also include some extra exercises to help strengthen your Reading Comprehension skills and your understanding of formal logic basics.

Keep in mind that shorter LSAT study schedules typically demand more hours per day and more days per week, whereas longer LSAT study schedules give you the flexibility to move at a more relaxed pace. That said, we’ll try to provide as wide an array of LSAT study plans as possible so that you can find one that fits both your exam date and your weekly availability.


Table of Contents


Finding the Right LSAT Study Schedule

What’s the right study schedule for you? That depends primarily on how much time per week you have to study, when you want to take the LSAT, and how much you need to improve to reach your goal score.

If you’re working or taking a full class load and can’t spend much time on the LSAT, then you’ll want to study over a longer time. Likewise, if you need to improve 20 points from your starting score, you’ll almost certainly want to plan for a lengthy study period. Of course, if your exam date is coming up and you absolutely cannot move the test date, then that will impact your study schedule.


How to Study for the LSAT

Keep these points in mind when studying for the LSAT in order to maximize your score:

  • Take a diagnostic test to assess your strengths and weaknesses, and to get a realistic picture of how much you need to improve to reach your score goal.
  • Start by learning the fundamental logical concepts on the LSAT and the different question types presented in each section.
  • Thoroughly review your mistakes—this is absolutely critical to improving your score!
  • Focus on accuracy first, instead of speed.
  • Take at least four to six timed practice tests.
  • Target your weaknesses as you get closer to the exam date.
  • Use a Magoosh study schedule to keep you on track!


Most Popular LSAT Study Schedules

LSAT Three-Month Study Schedule

3 Month LSAT Study Schedule

Studying for the LSAT is a huge undertaking, and most students need 3–6 months of preparation. If you only have three months left until the LSAT, you need to get started now with this LSAT Study Schedule! Magoosh’s Three-Month LSAT Study Plan tells you exactly what you’ll need, including official LSAT PrepTests and Magoosh’s online video lessons.

LSAT Six-Month Study Schedule

6 Month LSAT Study Schedule

With six months to prepare, you’ve got plenty of time to space out your studying! If you can dedicate 1–2 hours a day, 3–4 days a week to test prep, this LSAT study schedule will help you get the most out of your studying. This weekly schedule sets out which Magoosh video lessons to watch, when to take practice exams and do practice problems, and tells you exactly what you’ll need to get your best LSAT score.

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Other LSAT Study Schedule Options

  • 1 Month Study Schedule – Studying for the LSAT in only a month is not ideal, but if you just need a small bump in your score, it can be done. Check out this study schedule for guidance on what to do each week in order to maximize your LSAT score. For the best results, make sure you have about 4–5 hours per day to study.
  • 2 Month Study Schedule – The LSAT is a very difficult exam, and most students need 3–6 months of study to perform well. But some students hope to prep in less time, and although we think it’s best not to rush, we know that busy lives demand aggressive goals. Take a look at Magoosh’s Two-Month LSAT Study Plan to learn how to improve your score quickly. This LSAT Study Schedule tells you exactly what you’ll need, including official LSAT PrepTests and Magoosh’s online video lessons.

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Conclusion: The Key To Making Your LSAT Prep Time Count

Studying for the LSAT isn’t like studying for math, history, or other subjects from school. There’s no such thing as cramming for this exam. Instead, sustained practice over a long period of time is what leads to the biggest score increases.

Of course, no matter whether you have six months to study or only a couple of weeks, it’s important to focus on the right things when studying to make the most of your LSAT prep time. Start by learning the fundamentals of the test and the basic strategies for each section. Then take timed practice tests and thoroughly review them. Finally, spend more time on your weak areas as test day approaches. If you do these things, you’re on the right LSAT study track.


  • Kevin Lin

    Kevin Lin earned a B.A. from UC Berkeley and a J.D. from Columbia Law School. After working as a lawyer for several years, both at the U.S. Attorney’s Office and at a large New York law firm, he succumbed to his love of the LSAT and teaching and has been a full-time LSAT instructor since 2015. Beginning first at a major test prep company and rising to become one of its most experienced and highly rated instructors, he began tutoring independently in 2019. Kevin has worked with LSAT students at all stages of their preparation, from complete beginners to LSAT veterans shooting for the 99th percentile. Connect and learn more about Kevin on YouTube, LinkedIn, and his website.

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