Is an MBA Worth It?

a woman at her desk pondering if an mba is worth it

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree sets professionals up for career success, increased opportunities, and higher paychecks. It gives them broad foundational business knowledge across critical areas like marketing, finance, technology, and accounting. Critically, it also helps future business leaders acquire vital leadership and soft skills. These benefits can come with a steep tuition price tag. Earning that coveted MBA degree from a top business school can be a challenging and grueling experience in a hyper-competitive environment. So, is an MBA worth it?

In this post, I’ll go over the pros and cons of getting an MBA and answer the million-dollar question – is an MBA degree worth it? And just like any good MBA program will teach you, the answer to this complicated question is – It depends. To come to the right answer for yourself, consider the following:

  • Your personal situation
  • You career aspirations
  • Your financial situation
  • External circumstances.

Understanding the MBA Degree

The MBA is the most popular internationally recognized graduate management degree that is internationally recognized. It’s designed to help you acquire the management knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your career. Today, there isn’t just one type of MBA program. There are Full-Time MBAs, Executive MBAs, Part-Time MBAs, and the recently popular Online MBAs. Before understanding the pros and cons, it is good to have a clear understanding of the various types of MBA programs.

Pros and Cons to Getting an MBA

MBA Program Pros Cons
Full Time / Traditional MBA
  • Typically the most valued and recognized in the industry
  • Great networking and peer learning opportunities
  • Best business school experience with access to clubs, speakers, counseling, and much more.
  • Typically the most expensive, with top b-schools costing $150,000 or more.
  • Features a rigorous courseload and rigid timelines that students need to follow
Part-Time MBA
  • Ability to earn an MBA degree without leaving your job.
  • Very little spare time to enjoy activities outside of work or study.
Executive MBA
  • Allows highly experienced professionals to earn an MBA degree while managing other personal commitments.
  • Has higher acceptance rates than most traditional MBA programs
  • Hectic schedule managing both college and work commitments
  • Limited specialization options as most professionals have years of experience in a particular area and find it hard to transition or explore other options
Online MBA
  • Flexibility to complete the program from home or remote location
  • Chance to earn an MBA degree at a fraction of the cost.

  • Losing out on the networking opportunities available on-campus
  • Could result in a sub-par learning experience and limited knowledge absorption.

What to Consider Before Applying for an MBA

With some of the pros and cons of different MBA program in mind, we can look at a framework for evaluating whether an MBA is right for you. As we discussed earlier, the true value of an MBA program greatly varies across different individuals. There are several personal factors and considerations that are important in evaluating an MBA degree’s impact on your career.

Here are some major considerations to research about MBA programs and business schools before deciding to take the plunge:

The Reputation of the School

The school brand and reputation can matter a lot. Students who attended Tier 1 B-schools earn significantly more than their peers who went to schools that were in the middle of the pack. While not a precise aspect, university rankings are a pretty good measure of a student’s capabilities.

Career Prospects and Growth Potential

Factors like academic support, career services, class size, and curriculum design all matter. These will not only shape what you learn, but strong supports will help you to excel. Spend a lot of time researching program websites and comparing them to each other. Talk to alumni to get a better idea if its a place that resonates with you and your goals.

Cost of the MBA Program

Like with so many things in life, the sticker price on most B-schools is not usually your final cost. You must think about the overall cost of attendance before enrolling. One major factor in your overall cost will be location. Think carefully if you wish to stay close to your own home, or are comfortable relocating to another place. Don’t assume you’ll have to pay entirely out of pocket. Check for scholarships and other financial aid opportunities at the programs you are interested in.

Post MBA Salary Increase

B-school’s placement rates, average salary offered to graduate class, sectors and fields that recruit from the college, and average increment on pre-MBA salary are critical factors to consider as they give an indication about the success and depth of each program.

Networking Opportunities and Peer Group

Networking is one of the most valuable assets any MBA program can deliver. Students can form long-lasting friendships and bonds, as well as create a network that can boost careers. An MBA is the best opportunity to build up a vast and influential network since it can provide access to school alumni, experts professors, and peers who come with a wealth of industry experience and knowledge.

Deciding if an MBA is Worth It

In summary, we hope you recognize that any MBA program is a big investment, and the value of an MBA program is dependent on various personal as well as institutional factors. Nevertheless, a few typical circumstances in which different MBA programs could add tremendous value to your professional career path are:

  1. Traditional MBA: You get into one of the top schools with global recognition and figure out financing options (like scholarships or interest-free loans) to absorb some of the cost.
  2. Executive MBA program: You have a significant amount of work experience under your belt and want to accelerate your growth in the area or sector you work in.
  3. Part-time MBA: You need the degree for a specific reason that does not rely on networking or recruiting opportunities.
  4. Online MBA: You need a flexible option and can verify that the program is well-adapted to the online platform.


  • Ayush Verma

    Ayush is a Test Prep Expert and Application Coach actively involved in the Test Prep and Application Consulting space for several years now. He is a GMAT 99 Percentiler and has extensive experience in delivering private tutoring sessions for GMAT, GRE, and SAT exams. Ayush has a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and an MBA in Strategy from the Indian School of Business. He is an ardent ManUnited fan and when he is not helping students understand that tricky GMAT question or write that dreaded Why MBA answer, he would be likely cheering for his team at Old Trafford (GGMU). To connect with him, feel free to reach out to him via LinkedIn or his website Test Prep Buddy.

  • Rachel Kapelke-Dale

    Rachel is one of Magoosh’s Content Creators. She writes and updates content on our High School and GRE Blogs to ensure students are equipped with the best information during their test prep journey. As a test-prep instructor for more than five years in there different countries, Rachel has helped students around the world prepare for various standardized tests, including the SAT, ACT, TOEFL, GRE, and GMAT, and she is one of the authors of our Magoosh ACT Prep Book. Rachel has a Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature from Brown University, an MA in Cinematography from the Université de Paris VII, and a Ph.D. in Film Studies from University College London. For over a decade, Rachel has honed her craft as a fiction and memoir writer and public speaker. Her novel, THE BALLERINAS, is forthcoming in December 2021 from St. Martin’s Press, while her memoir, GRADUATES IN WONDERLAND, co-written with Jessica Pan, was published in 2014 by Penguin Random House. Her work has appeared in over a dozen online and print publications, including Vanity Fair Hollywood. When she isn’t strategically stringing words together at Magoosh, you can find Rachel riding horses or with her nose in a book. Join her on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!

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