Tag: confidence
Study Habits of the Top 10% of Test Takers
We surveyed more than 400 Magoosh students who scored in the top 10% for the GRE, GMAT, SAT and ACT. Here’s what we learned about the way they prep for test day.
3 Ways Test Prep Can Reduce Your Stress on Test Day
Take a moment. Think about the most carefree day you’ve ever had and put yourself there. Maybe you’re outside reading? Relaxing with friends? The sun is shining. The birds are singing. Ah, you take a deep breath … then WAM. Someone smacks a piece of paper in front of you, tells you to answer every…
5 TED Talks to Boost Your Confidence Before Test Day
Check out our favorite confidence-boosting TED Talks to hurdle you on toward success on test day.