Hello and happy Monday, everyone! I know the past few weeks have been full of grueling study hours and crunch timing for you GRE and SAT students out there, but at least it’s over now and Thanksgiving break is right around the corner! (mmm, turkey.) So take some time to unwind, relax, and get to know another one of your favorite Magooshers!
Today, we’re talking to Lucas, our resident SAT and TOEFL guru. If you’re a Magoosh student, you may have even talked with him before to get some awesome advice for the test, or you may have read one of his posts on our SAT or TOEFL blogs! Either way, if you’re dying to know more about Lucas, today is your lucky day — check out this exclusive Q&A! (Rhyme not intended.)
1. How was your weekend?
Ummm… sedentary. I’m a bit of a homebody most weekends. I spent far too long playing board games and eating delivery (when not responding to our students’ questions.)
2. What’s your favorite SAT or GRE vocab word?
That’s tough; there are a bunch of them that I really like. “Mellifluous” is up there, because it sounds like a word I’d make up to mean exactly what it actually means. I’m also a big fan of “nonplussed,” partly because its made of pieces that don’t normally go together (Can you be “plussed”? Can you “nonplus” somebody? Since when does “non-” attach to an adjective, anyway?) and partly because the way most people use it today is basically the opposite of the dictionary definition.
3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for 24 hours, which one would it be and why?
Being in Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations or any other travel show would be a sweet deal. As long as I’m stuck in a TV, I might as well get a free vacation out of it.
4. What are some good books to read during the fall/winter season?
Assuming you’re in a place where it’s cold and snowy (i.e. where I am not), a fat book about people who live in Colombia, where it never snows, is a good escape, so I’ll go with One Hundred Years of Solitude—one of my favorite books, to boot.
5. What’s the best part about working at Magoosh?
You ask really hard questions, you know that? I guess the puzzles are my favorite part. I really love working with test questions—explaining them to students, writing and editing them, etc.—and those are essentially just word or logic puzzles, even if most people don’t see them that way. And being around so many other puzzle and game enthusiasts is very cool.
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