How to Have Fun Teaching

student teacher uses classroom management tips with elementary school students
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You’re going to have days when teaching seems difficult. You might find yourself getting bored doing the same old thing. You might even want to quit. Don’t! Teaching can be fun! For those of you who might be wondering how to have fun teaching, here are 7 tips to incorporate in your day-to-day schedule.

Let Loose

Someone once told me that if you want students to respect you and behave in class, you shouldn’t smile. At least for the first few weeks. I’ve got to say that this was terrible advice. Don’t be afraid to smile and laugh. Be goofy. Doing so actually shows your students that you care.

Throughout my teaching experiences, I’ve found students that make me laugh. I’ve enjoyed spending time around my students and seeing their goofy personalities come through. And I’ve created meaningful connections with students when I’m not afraid to let loose and get a little goofy at times.

Use Technology

Students are growing up in a digital age. They’re comfortable using technology, and they enjoy using it. Embrace it. When students are having fun, chances are that you will, too. You could:

  • Use the Internet to complete research.
  • Use class tablets or iPads to play games that go with the lesson or subject matter.
  • Video conference with students across the nation or around the world.

Learn Together

You want your students to be lifelong learners, so don’t be afraid to let your students see that you don’t know everything already. Learn together! Discover together! Participate in activities with your students, and enjoy the journey with them.

Plan Fun Activities

There’s going to be times when you need to lecture your students. Or you may need to sit and read together. After completing the lesson, however, use a fun activity to reinforce the information. It could include:

Add an Element of Mystery

If you’re looking for a way to pique your students’ interest, try adding some mystery to your lessons. Give your students some weird or unusual information. Pose a question, and have students help search for the answer. This is a great way to discover the answers together and get students to engage in your lessons. Have fun with it, and come up with something mysterious that you will love to present to your students.

Share Your Passions

What are you passionate about? What do you love to talk about? What do you look forward to on the weekends? Students love to see their teachers’ excitement and passion. Share your passions with your students. You’ll love talking about it, and your students will love hearing about it and getting to know you better.

Adjust Your Attitude

If you’re wondering how to have fun teaching, remember that it starts with the desire to have fun. Choose to enjoy your job and your students. Look to create a great experience for your students. If you need an attitude adjustment, step back and make the changes that you need to ensure that you can continue having fun while you teach.


  • Jamie graduated from Brigham Young University- Idaho with a degree in English Education. She spent several years teaching and tutoring students at the elementary, high school, and college level. She currently works as a contract writer and curriculum developer for online education courses. In her free time, she enjoys running and spending time with her boys!

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