7 Tips for Avoiding Teacher Burnout

avoiding teacher burnout

According to the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, about half of all teachers leave the field within the first 5 years. There are lots of reasons that people choose to give up on teaching. One of which is teacher burnout. These teachers are working so hard and putting in so many hours that they choose to give up and move on to a different profession. If you plan on having a long and successful career as a teacher, try these things for avoiding teacher burnout.

Attend a Class or Workshop

You need to attend classes and workshops in order to meet the requirements to renew your teaching license. But these classes are more beneficial than just completing the requirements. They can provide you with a new outlook, increase your enthusiasm for teaching, and allow you to meet new people. You can also learn something new to share with your students.

Spice Up Your Lessons

Teaching is fun. Look for ways to have fun in your classroom every day. You could:

Schedule Time with Other Adults

You spend the entire day hanging out with children. At night and on the weekends, you deserve time out with adults. Have a late lunch after school with friends. Meet new teachers at lunch. During breaks, take vacations with your significant other, family, and/or friends. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy the company of other adults as much as possible.

Share the Workload

You’re not alone. Seek assistance whenever you need it. Parents are a great asset to help you around the classroom. Reach out to parents to find out who can come in to help you out. Also, talk to other teachers who work with the same grade or subject and can help you prepare your lesson plans.

Take Care of Yourself

Your health is important. When you take care of yourself, you’ll feel better and have more energy. Don’t skip breakfast or lunch. Choose healthy meals that can provide you with the energy that you need throughout the day.

Make sure that you’re getting a sufficient amount of sleep every night, and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week.

Serve Others

A great way to find joy in your profession is to serve others. Look for ways to help other teachers, call parents just to compliment their children, or write a note of appreciation to administrators. When you’re spending time helping and bringing joy to others, you’ll have less time to feel sorry for yourself and fall into the trap of getting burned out.

Redecorate the Room

Sometimes you just need a change of scenery to help you get through the day. When this happens, consider redecorating your room. Change the seating arrangement, or update the bulletin board. Even doing something as simple as using a new room freshener to liven up the scent of the classroom is helpful.
If you feel that you’re starting to get burned out, stop and examine what you’re doing. Try some of these tips for avoiding teacher burnout. Also, find ways to simplify your life and make the necessary changes to find joy in teaching!


  • Jamie graduated from Brigham Young University- Idaho with a degree in English Education. She spent several years teaching and tutoring students at the elementary, high school, and college level. She currently works as a contract writer and curriculum developer for online education courses. In her free time, she enjoys running and spending time with her boys!

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