Where to Find Logic Games Fixed and Floating Grouping Practice

Turning page of book to show where to find logic fames fixed and floating grouping practice

Looking to get more LSAT Logic Games Fixed and Floating Grouping practice? We’ve compiled a list of which LSAC PrepTests contain this type of LSAT Logic Game to practice. Keep reading to find out!

To begin with, get a copy of Actual, Official PrepTests Volume V. There are a total of 11 Floating Grouping games and Fixed Grouping games that appear in that book, so you’ll have plenty of practice to get started. If you need more than that, purchase PrepTests 72-75 at the LSAC shop for an additional 7 Floating Grouping practice games.

Note: For Magooshers, you’ve got access to actual LSAC Logic Game questions through your online account. You can even sort by game type so you can easily focus your practice.

LSAT Logic Games: Floating Grouping Practice

PrepTest Date Administered Section Number Game Number Type Setup Difficulty
63 06/2011 2 1 Floating Grouping M
63 06/2011 2 4 Floating Grouping M
64 10/2011 2 4 Floating Grouping E-M
66 6/2012 3 3 Floating Grouping E
67 10/2012 3 3 Floating Grouping M
67 10/2012 3 4 Floating Grouping M-H
68 12/2012 4 2 Floating Grouping E
69 6/2013 2 2 Floating Grouping M
69 6/2013 2 4 Floating Grouping M
70 10/2013 3 2 Floating Grouping E
71 12/2013 2 2 Floating Grouping M
72 6/2014 4 3 Floating Grouping M
73 10/2014 3 2 Floating Grouping M
73 10/2014 3 3 Floating Grouping E
73 10/2014 3 4 Floating Grouping M
74 12/2014 2 3 Floating Grouping M
74 12/2014 2 4 Floating Grouping M
75 6/2015 4 2 Floating Grouping M-H

As you may notice from the table, Floating Grouping practice games often have more difficult setups than Sequencing and Fixed Grouping games. I would recommend starting with the easy games and working your way up to the harder ones.

More importantly, don’t stress out if your first attempt to set the game up doesn’t work out. As you gain familiarity with this game type, you’ll improve at the setup stage. And besides, one point of LSAT prep is to learn how to react when things don’t go as planned. If you get it wrong the first time around, keep a log of exactly what didn’t work, and try the game a second time. Real learning happens when we make mistakes, not when we do everything perfectly over and over again.

LSAT Logic Games: Fixed Grouping Practice

Pure Fixed Grouping games only make up a small percentage of the Logic Games in recent years, so there aren’t a ton of them to go around. In fact, only one appears in the entire Actual, Official LSAT Preptests Volume V.

PrepTest Date Administered Section Number Game Number Type Setup Difficulty
70 10/2013 3 3 Fixed Grouping M
72 6/2014 4 1 Fixed Grouping M

Note: For Magooshers, you’ve got access to actual LSAC Logic Game questions through your online account. You can even sort by game type so you can easily focus your practice.

Best of luck with your LSAT Fixed and Floating Grouping practice!


  • Travis Coleman

    Travis is in charge of helping students turn LSAT prep into an afternoon with this guy. With a JD from NYU and an English degree from Boston College, he’s dedicated his career to fighting the forces of unnecessary legal jargon and faulty logic. When not geeking out on the LSAT, he can probably be found on skis, in water, or in the vicinity of a roller coaster.

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