
Top 5 Ways to Improve Your LSAT Score

improve lsat score

Is your LSAT testing date quickly approaching? Are you not 100% confident that you’ll score your best? Don’t worry–I’ve rounded up some of the best Magoosh LSAT Blog strategies that can help you score your best. Here are the top 5 ways to improve your LSAT score!

Use Flashcards to Your Advantage

Flashcards are a tried-and-true study method that are one of the top 5 ways to improve your LSAT score. You can use them to help you memorize difficult vocabulary words, logical indicator words, LSAT flaws, and more! In addition to normal index cards, you can use sites like or to make new flashcards online! They’ll be accessible wherever you go.

Practice with official LSAT questions. Start your online LSAT prep with Magoosh today. Start a free trial

Avoid Burnout

Being burned out on test day is one of the sure ways not to do well. You can easily improve your score by being in the right mental space. Some of the ways you can avoid burnout is to:

  • Follow a realistic study plan that you can reasonably accomplish.
  • Have realistic goals for your study periods. For example, don’t force yourself to take two practice exams in one night!
  • Study at appropriate times of the day when you’re most alert.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat a balanced diet and avoid nutrient-deficient foods.
  • Try to sleep well every night and avoid screen-usage too close to bedtime.
  • Take regular breaks (for example, every 20 minutes) and avoid studying for an hour straight.
  • Make your breaks effective — get out of your seat, take a walk, rest your eyes by looking in the distance, or have a healthy snack.
  • Ask for help when you need it! Whether you’re struggling with a few questions or you need mental support, don’t be afraid to reach out.
  • Most importantly, try to post affirmations on your wall or desktop and keep physical reminders of your career/life goals. This way, if you ever lose motivation, you can turn to these and remind yourself why your hard work is worth it!

Pace Yourself Correctly

As stated in an article, “Knowing how many questions you can miss will help you focus on answering the questions you can confidently answer within your time limit of 35 minutes per section. The key is to avoid wasting time on a difficult question if it takes time away from several others that you are more likely to get right.”

Be Serious About Reviewing Your Answers

A tidbit from our post on how to get a perfect LSAT score: “If you ran out of time on a section, or you got any questions incorrect on your practice test, review that section and those incorrect questions at least three times. You should know exactly where your timing went wrong and identify exactly what the issue was that caused you to choose the wrong answer.”

Embrace Your Weakest Section

Your attitude on the LSAT is a major factor to your success. If you’re seriously dreading one of the sections, you’re much more likely to freeze up and do worse on it than necessary. Instead of being afraid, use the following resources to learn how to make the most out of your weakest section.

If your weakest section is the logic games, check out the top 10 LSAT Logic Game tips!

Practice with official LSAT questions. Start your online LSAT prep with Magoosh today. Start a free trial

Finally, Magoosh offers plenty of Logical Reasoning resources, like the ultimate guide–Magoosh’s LSAT Logical Reasoning Library.

Remember, with a plan, you can do better than expected!


  • Deborah

    Deborah earned her undergraduate degree from Brown University in 2010 and MBA from Salve Regina University. She scored in the 96th percentile on the LSAT and loves finding better ways to understand logic and solid arguments. When she’s not teaching, she enjoys volunteering, reading adventure fiction, and adding tech skills to her toolbox.

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