The content in this post applies in 2025 to the new, shorter GRE!
The Magoosh 6 month study plan moves at a relaxed pace that should still be followed diligently, lest procrastination leads to things getting out of hand. It’s designed to expose you to everything that the GRE might throw at you on test day as well as equip you with strategies and techniques to help you achieve your dream score.
Click here to download a PDF of the study schedule!
Time Commitment
Students should assume each session will take somewhere between 1.5-2.5 hours. Earlier in the schedule, most of the work is assigned across 4 days, with days 5-6 used in whatever way will best suit your prep needs. Day 7 is a rest day. Later in the schedule, Day 5 is allocated to verbal practice. Why does verbal get its own day? Well, based on the number of concepts tested, math topics far outweigh verbal topics. Therefore, to ensure that verbal doesn’t slip by the wayside once its lessons are complete, starting in the second half of the schedule, you’ll see dedicated time for verbal practice.
Designed to be Flexible
Now, how you approach the schedule is really up to you. You can opt for a Monday-Saturday routine. You can combine days if you want more study-free days during the week. You can work two, long weekend days to free up time on the weekdays. Feel free to make any changes that best suit the unique demands of your daily life. One of our goals was to make this schedule easy to modify because we know that balancing responsibilities is tough and a study schedule is rarely “one-size fits all.”
Another thing to note, this schedule was designed for those who have the time to become GRE experts in mind. This means that the lessons cover everything from test-taking fundamentals to the most advanced, rarely tested content.
If you find that you are already comfortable with a lot of the introductory material, you can always make changes to suit your unique prep needs. Once you have a sense of your personal strengths and weaknesses, you can swap out lesson material that you’re well-versed in for more advanced concepts, and set up custom practice sessions that focus on your individual priorities.
Curious about other study plan options or how to best modify a schedule depending on your situation? Check out this post: GRE Study Plans and Guides.
Feeling like just getting started is a challenge? Check out how other students were able to balance the demands of work, life, and GRE preparation in our post How to Study for the GRE.
Table of Contents
Essential Material
Optional Material
About the Material
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Essential Material
- Magoosh GRE Prep
- ETS’s Official Guide to the GRE book
- ETS Powerprep Free Tests 1 & 2: If you would prefer to take the practice test on paper, you can print out a copy of ETS’s paper-delivered test. However, taking the paper-based GRE is pretty rare these days. If you are like most test takers and will be taking the exam online, we highly recommend that your practice and prep are also online–mimic the medium you’ll be using on exam day as much as possible.
- Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards App and Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards App: They’re free and you can use them on the web, iPhone/iPad or Android!
- Magoosh’s Complete Guide to the GRE PDF: This comprehensive, web-based guide to the GRE gives you the quick but very helpful overview you need to understand this test. You’ll see how the GRE is designed and scored, what skills it tests, how to find and use the best GRE prep, and how to study for each test section.
- Reading materials and journal (error log): More detail on each of these below, in the “About the Material” section.
Optional Material
- Top 5 Free GRE Practice Resources: This page includes instructions on where to find good full-length GRE practice tests, and how to take practice tests and incorporate them into your studies. This page also has links to Magoosh’s free GRE diagnostic quizzes.
- Gives you online access to flashcards, making it easier, say, to quiz yourself on your mobile device
- Provides conversational example sentences and a flood of example sentences. If you are really trying to achieve a high verbal score, you can also check out lists of crazy hard GRE words that other users have compiled.
- Manhattan’s 5lb Book of GRE Practice Problems is not absolutely necessary, but if you are in need of even more practice material, this is a quality source. Don’t feel like you need the latest version. The content of the GRE has not changed significantly, so an older edition will suit your practice needs just fine. Full disclosure: We find the math content to be very test-like. The verbal content, on the other hand, tends to veer a bit harder than what you’d see on the GRE, especially for Text Completions and Sentence Equivalence.
About the Material
About Vocabulary
If you are striving for a top-notch verbal score, daily review of vocab is vital. 30 days is not a lot of time; however, you can certainly memorize a few hundred (maybe more) words in that timeframe.
Make use of Magoosh’s GRE Flashcards, but don’t limit yourself to just these words. Whenever you encounter a word you don’t know, look it up, make a flashcard, and add it to your own flashcard deck. You can go the old-fashioned route with hand-written, paper cards or opt for a digital version like Quizlet.
Organizing Flashcards
As you work through your flashcards you’ll want to organize them into three piles/categories. One category is for words that are “new” to you and you’re just trying to absorb their definitions/usage. Another category is for words that you’ve almost mastered–maybe you still need context clues to grasp their meanings. The final category represents a “done” stack that is only rarely reviewed.
Reading Material
We cannot stress the importance of reading to build your reading comprehension skills, refine your understanding of grammar and usage, and expand your vocabulary. You have to challenge yourself to read material that is written at the same level as the passages you’ll encounter on test day. Check out the links below for reliable sources and advice:
Non-fiction, scholarly books, history and social science topics are preferable.
How to Practice with Recommended Sources: Scientific American, Atlantic Monthly, The New Yorker, National Geographic, The Economist, Arts and Letters Daily, or The New York Times (a Sunday subscription is a great idea!).
Error Log
A notebook or digital document to keep a written record of the questions that you miss. For each question you enter into your log do the following:
- Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
- Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
- Watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. You’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
- Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
- When you come across vocabulary that you don’t know or only sorta know in a question, be sure to add it to your flashcards. We use words that are trending on the GRE to create our content.
Not sure how to set up your error log? Here’s a free template.
About Older ETS Prep Materials
Note: ETS launched the shorter version of the GRE in 2023. So, what does that mean if you have older prep materials? Good news!! You do not need to go out and buy new ones. Because there were no changes to the content that ETS tests, there have been no real changes to the prep books that cover that content. In fact, at the time of this writing, ETS hasn’t even released a new edition of its own prep material, The Official Guide, but does provide the following note:
“The practice tests in this book are for the General Test that was administered before September 22, 2023. However, because the shorter GRE includes the same question types (except for the Analyze an Argument essay task which has been removed), this book is a great way to prepare for the shorter GRE.”
Thus, if you have older versions of prep materials, you should be all set to dive in. Just be sure to skip any content related to the Analyze an Argument part of the AWA, and be sure to review the GRE’s updated timing and structure.
Using This Guide Without a Premium Magoosh Subscription
Without your own Magoosh account, you won’t be able to access many of the lessons, practice questions, and practice tests that are linked in the daily tasks; however, there are a number of lessons and practice materials that are publically available, and, of course, you can also follow the daily breakdown of topics and activities using The Official Guide or any other material(s) you are using for your GRE prep.
6 Month GRE Study Plan: Month 1
Week 1
Day 1 – GRE Basics
Go to, and learn about the content of the GRE. Click on and read all the information under each sub-heading link.
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Note: Many lessons are only available to those with a Magoosh Premium GRE subscription—sign up here for a free trial!
Intro – Computer Adaptive Testing
Day 2 – Diagnostic Test
Take Magoosh’s Free GRE Practice Test. When you are done, note your score, then check your answers. Don’t worry about reviewing your work just yet. Save that for tomorrow.
FAQ: Why are we diving in with a practice test?
Here’s the reasoning: How you interact with the GRE is unique to you. It’s incredibly important to know, sooner rather than later, where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Empowered with that knowledge from the outset, you’ll know how to prioritize your study. With your first practice test under your belt, you’ll start to get a sense for how you feel taking the GRE, have context for overarching strategies and techniques, and have those all important baseline scores squared away. These will be the scores (Math, Verbal, AWA) that you’ll build from as you push towards your goal: The scores you need to feel confident when applying to your chosen graduate programs.
Day 3 – Practice Test Review
If you haven’t done so already, build your error log and add questions from the diagnostic you took yesterday. You’ll be using your error log throughout this study plan. Today, you are going to do your first in-depth review. For each question you entered into your log do the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read the related text explanations and watch the related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. You’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
Add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Day 4 – Quantitative Reasoning Basics I
Note: You might find some of the content in Magoosh videos super easy or incredibly challenging. Some folks will find the verbal information obvious and the math hard-going; other folks will have the reverse experience. If the material is relatively easy for you, feel free to click to the end and simply read the summary. If the material is new to you, take notes on what you are learning, and if possible, watch that video a second time.
There are A LOT of lesson videos in the Magoosh library, and this 6-Month schedule includes all of them. But! That doesn’t mean you have to include all of them in your study. Use your knowledge of your strengths, weaknesses, and priorities to choose which lessons (if any) to forego.
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Mental Math: Doubling and Halving
Mental Math: Squaring Shortcuts
If you have a Magoosh Premium or Trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → and launch Math Quick Practice at the top of the screen (you’ll see a lightning bolt icon). Work through those 10 mixed practice problems. For now, do not fret about how long you’re spending on the questions. Let’s focus on accuracy first. We’ll bring speed into the equation later on.
NOTE II: In the above Quick Practice, you’ll be encountering all topics from the get-go, whether you’ve already studied them or not. This means that you will make mistakes at the beginning. That’s fine! That’s a good thing even. Mistakes tell you what you still have left to learn. This schedule will provide you with opportunities for both targeted and mixed practice. The former will give you some control over difficulty, the latter is really meant to prepare you for what you’ll encounter on the GRE. You are only truly GRE-ready when you can solve problems as they arise in mixed-topic practice: Cold and with no particular preparation on that topic. That’s what the test will demand, so it’s important to prepare to be constantly on your toes.
Additional Practice
*You should devote at least 15-30 minutes each day to flashcard review.
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Take 15 minutes to review the cards in the first deck, Algebra. If you are 100% confident that you know the concepts therein, awesome! If not, be sure to devote time to memorizing any that you don’t have down pat. Feel free to explore other decks ahead of where they appear in this schedule. You might find it helpful to be exposed to concepts before diving into lessons that will explore them more fully.
Day 5-6 – Supplemental Practice and Review
Days 5-6 for most of the weeks in this schedule will be of the choose-your-own-adventure variety. There is a lot of content to get through in days 1-4, so you can use days 5-6 to catch up. If you don’t need to use them to complete the rest of the week’s activities, you can use them for other supplemental study.
Here are some ideas:
1.) If you have a paper or digital copy of ETS’s Official Guide for the GRE (and you really should), you can use it to supplement your practice. For example, if you are feeling challenged by basic math concepts, check out the OG’s Math Review and work through the topics and associated exercises. There are also plenty of practice questions for both math and verbal, organized by difficulty, that you can dive into.
2.) Another resource to check out if you discover that you’re struggling with fundamental math concepts are the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read a few articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
If you haven’t chosen something to read yet, check out Arts and Letters Daily. This is a great resource for links to GRE-level reading material.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
Day 7 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 2
Day 8 – Quantitative Reasoning Basics II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Intro to Quantitative Comparison
QC Strategies: Matching Operations
If you have a Magoosh Premium or Trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Quantitative Comparison. Do 10 QC questions. For now, do not fret about how long you’re spending on the questions. Let’s focus on accuracy first. We’ll bring speed into the equation later on.
Which difficulty should I choose?
Ideally, you should select Adaptive difficulty. That setting will most accurately reflect the variety of questions that you’ll encounter on test day. However, you should feel free to select the setting that best fits your current ability level. If you are struggling with some of the basic concepts, you might opt for easy/medium until your accuracy improves. However, by, or before, the ½ way point, you should switch to adaptive difficulty.
If you feel very comfortable with a specific topic or are a more advanced student who wants to focus on higher-level concepts, you might select Hard/Very Hard.
Please note, if you frequently only work on questions from one category of difficulty, you could exhaust that particular group, which means that you might start seeing repeat questions during custom practice or during a practice test.
For each question from QC practice that you missed, enter it into your log and do the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. You’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. If you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the first deck, Algebra.
Day 9 – Quantitative Reasoning Basics III
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Plugging In for Integer Properties
If you have a Magoosh Premium or Trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Multiple Choice → Select All. Do 10 questions. As you work through this set, try to identify any clues that indicate you can plug in as a solution option.
Reminder: for the first ½ of this study plan do not worry about timing. Of course, if you have a high rate of accuracy, then shift to a focus on pacing sooner versus later. You have an average of about 1 minute and 45 seconds per math question.
If you’re opting to ignore the amount of time you’re spending on each question for now, that’s fine! Keep that up. We’ll let you know when pacing must become a focus in your practice.
For each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. You’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. If you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the first deck, Algebra.
Day 10 – Verbal Reasoning Basics I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
If you haven’t yet, in the Magoosh blog, read: GRE Reading Comprehension Practice
Download the Magoosh GRE Vocabulary Word List PDF
Read carefully the section “Making Words Stick,” about learning vocabulary, and the section “Vocabulary in Context: Articles from Magazines and Newspapers.” Skim the rest of the book to get a sense of the layout and style. As you build vocab through this plan, periodically go back to this book to verify your understanding and to make connections to other words. The more ways you have to remember a word, the more likely you are to remember it!
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on studying at least 10 words from the first deck, Common Words I. Of course, if you already know most of the 51 words in this deck, feel free to check out the other decks in any of the categories: Common, Basic, and Advanced. If you already have a vocabulary that would rival those of most literature professors, then you will most likely need to rely on your personal reading and curated lists of the most esoteric GRE words (a quick Internet search will produce quite a few list options) to push your vocabulary to new heights.
We’ll remind you to try to memorize 10-20 words each day; however, where those words come from will be driven by you and finding the words you don’t know in the flashcard decks and adding words you don’t know from your reading.
Day 11 – Verbal Reasoning Basics II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Intro to Reading Comprehension
Intro to Sentence Equivalences
Additional Practice
If you have a Magoosh Premium or Trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → and launch Verbal Quick Practice at the top of the screen (you’ll see a lightning bolt icon). Work through those 10 mixed practice problems.
As you review the results of the mixed verbal practice set, add each incorrect question to your log and do the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. You’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. If you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanation steps.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the first deck, Algebra.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 12-13 – Additional Practice and Review
How you might spend this time:
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
Again, if you haven’t chosen something to read yet, check out Arts and Letters Daily.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
Day 14 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 3
Day 15 – Arithmetic and Fractions I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Positive and Negative Numbers I
Mental Math, Addition, and Subtraction
Positive and Negative Numbers II
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Arithmetic and Fractions. Do 10 questions.
For each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the second deck, Fractions, Ratios, and Percents. Continue to review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 16 – Arithmetic and Fractions II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Conversions: Fractions and Decimals
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Arithmetic and Fractions. Do 10 questions.
For each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the second deck, Fractions, Ratios, and Percents. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 17 – Arithmetic and Fractions III
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → All Math → check clear all and then only check the box for Arithmetic and Fractions. Do 10 questions.
For each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the second deck, Fractions, Ratios, and Percents. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 18 – Reading Comprehension I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Reading Comprehension → check clear all and then only check the box for Short Passages. Do 10 questions. Don’t worry if you don’t end up doing exactly 10 questions. You might do a few more or less depending on the number of questions associated with the passages you are given.
For each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the second deck, Fractions, Ratios, and Percents. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
19-20 – Additional Practice and Review
How you might spend this time:
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
Day 21 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 4
Day 22 – Arithmetic and Fractions IV
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Quiz: Arithmetic and Fractions
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → All Math → check clear all and then only check the box for Arithmetic and Fractions. Do 5 questions.
For each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the second deck, Fractions, Ratios, and Percents. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 23 – AWA Day
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Writing Tips for the 4 Major Scoring Components
Score your AWA Essay–use this link to analyze the Issue Essay you wrote during the last practice test. It will help you better understand the process and the score your essay was given by the Magoosh AI Tutor.
NOTE I: Score your AWA Essay above leads you to the scoring rubric that will be used by the official readers when they evaluate your essay. Even though the essays you write in your Magoosh Dashboard will be scored and given detailed feedback on how to improve by The Magoosh AI Tutor, it’s still important for you to read through and be familiar with the scoring rubric.
NOTE II: There could still be out-dated content pertaining to the Argument Essay in the above lessons. You can skip/ignore any references to the now retired Argument Task.
Verbal Drill: Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
For each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the second deck, Fractions, Ratios, and Percents. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 24 – Percents and Ratios I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Percent Increases and Decreases
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Percents and Ratios. Do 10 questions.
For each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the second deck, Fractions, Ratios, and Percents. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 25 – Percents and Ratios II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Percents and Ratios. Do 5 questions.
For each question from the above practice and quiz that you missed, log the following:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the second deck, Fractions, Ratios, and Percents. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 26-27 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
Day 28 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
6 Month GRE Study Plan: Month 2
Week 5
Day 29 – Reading Comprehension II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Reading Comprehension → Check Long, Medium and Short Passages. Do 12 questions (or around 12, depending on the passages and their associated questions).
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the third deck, Geometry. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 30 – Integer Properties I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Integer Properties. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the third deck, Geometry. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 31 – Integer Properties II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Counting Factors of Large Numbers
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Integer Properties. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the third deck, Geometry. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 32 – Reading Comprehension III
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Multiple Answer Questions – Inference
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Reading Comprehension → Check Long, Medium and Short Passages. Do 10 questions (or around 10, depending on the passages and their associated questions).
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the third deck, Geometry. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 33 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
Day 34 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 6
Day 35 – Practice Test
In Magoosh, take a full-length practice test!
Be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. You want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. Remember that there are no breaks given during the GRE.
In your Magoosh dashboard, navigate to Practice → Practice Test.
Again, don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. That will kick off the next session.
Day 36 – Practice Test Review
As you review your test, try to recall which question types you struggled with the most. Can you find any patterns? Are you making careless mistakes? If so, reflect on the reason: Working too fast? Misreading the question? Figure out where you should slow down when testing.
Open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test
As always:
Try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. You’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. If you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the third deck, Geometry. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 37 – Integer Properties III
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Integer Properties. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the third deck, Geometry. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 38 – Text Completion I – Overview
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Quiz: Text Completions – Overview
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Text Completion→ Select All. Do 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the third deck, Geometry. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 39-40 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
Day 41 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 7
Day 42 – Algebra I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Factoring: Difference of two Squares
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Algebra. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the fourth deck, Number Properties I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 43 – Algebra II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos
Factoring: Rational Expressions
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Algebra. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, Number Properties I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 44 – Algebra III
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Two Equations, Two Unknowns II
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Algebra. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, Number Properties I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 45 – Timed Practice and Review
Verbal and Quant
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Select All Math. Launch a Math Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, Number Properties I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 46-47 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
Day 48 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 8
Day 49 – Paragraph Arguments
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal→ Reading Comprehension → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Paragraph Arguments. Do 8 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, Number Properties I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 50 – Text Completion II – No Shifts
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Quiz: Text Completion – No Shifts
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Text Completion→ Select All. Do 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, Number Properties I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 51 – Algebra IV
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Three Equations, Three Unknowns
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Algebra. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, Number Properties I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 52 – Algebra V
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Simplifying with Substitutions
Quiz: Algebra, Equations, and Inequalities
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All and then only check Algebra. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, Number Properties I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 53-54 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
Day 55 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
6 Month GRE Study Plan: Month 3
Week 9
Day 56 – Sentence Equivalence I
Pacing Note: This week you are near the ½ way point of the schedule. If you haven’t started to do so already, you should start focusing on the pacing piece of the GRE puzzle. An effective pacing and skipping strategy is a major component of success.
Thus far, we’ve suggested doing the practice sessions in accordance with your comfort level with the material. Starting this week, we suggest that you transition from accuracy to speed. This might be a bit frustrating at first. Increasing your speed while maintaining your accuracy will not come overnight. It is a process. So, take your time with it. Imagine that you’re training to be a world class swimmer: technique (or accuracy in this case) will eventually equate to speed. Regardless of how quickly you are answering questions, you should maintain the technique (the accuracy) that you developed before you began working on maximizing your pace.
If this feels like a lot to you, work in stages. Set achievable goals as you attempt to improve your pacing! Try to answer questions at a pace of three minutes per question. The next day, set a faster pace, like two and half minutes per question.
Do this day by day until you are answering questions at the target times:
Math ≈ 1:45 per question
Verbal ≈ 1:30 per question
Of course, those target times vary–the greater the question complexity, the longer it will take to solve it.
Difficulty: At this point, we also suggest that you switch to Adaptive Difficulty, if you haven’t already. Of course, that’s ultimately up to you, where you’re at in your studies, and how you’ve chosen to modify this schedule. However, it is a good idea for your practice to mimic, as much as possible, what you’ll encounter on test day.
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Avoiding Pseudo-synonyms: Practice Activities
“Perfect answer”- but no matching pair 3:02
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Sentence Equivalence → Select all categories. Do 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the fifth deck, Number Properties II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Feeling like you’d benefit from mixing up the way you approach vocabulary? If you haven’t already, check out the Vocabulary Games lesson.
Day 57 – Sentence Equivalence II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
More than One Pair of Synonyms in the Answer Choices
SE Questions With Only Two Synonyms
Opposite-of-Correct Synonym Pairs
Difficult Words in Sentence Equivalence
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Sentence Equivalence → Select all categories. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, Number Properties II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 58 – Word Problems I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the boxes for Word Problems. Do 10 questions. Remember that timing needs to be a focus of your practice form here on out.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, Number Properties II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 59 – Timed Practice and Review
Verbal and Quant
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Select All Math. Launch a Math Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, Number Properties II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 60-61 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
6.) Through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.
Day 62 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 10
Day 63 – Practice Test
In Magoosh, take a full-length practice test!
Be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. You want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. Remember that there are no breaks given during the GRE.
In your Magoosh dashboard, navigate to Practice → Practice Test.
Don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. That will kick off the next session.
Day 64 – Practice Test Review
Open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. For this and the remaining practice tests, pacing should be a priority.
Consider the following:
Which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?
Are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? If not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.
Can you identify questions on which you should have spent MORE time?
As always, work through the following:
Determine why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos. Don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again.
Be aware of any trends (especially regarding pacing) that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, Number Properties II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 65 – Word Problems II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the boxes for Word Problems. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, Number Properties II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 66 – Word Problems III
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Intro to Sets and Venn Diagrams
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the boxes for Word Problems. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, Number Properties II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 67 – Timed Practice and Review
Verbal and Quant
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Select All Math. Launch a Math Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, Number Properties II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 68 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
6.) Through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.
Day 69 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 11
Day 70 – Word Problems IV
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the boxes for Word Problems. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 71 – Text Completion III – Sentence Shifts
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Quiz: Text Completion – Sentence Shifts
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Text Completion→ Select All. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 72 – Powers and Roots I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Powers and Roots. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 73 – Powers and Roots II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Powers and Roots. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 74 – Verbal Practice & Review
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 75 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
6.) Through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.
Day 76 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 12
Day 77 – Powers and Roots III
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Powers and Roots. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 78 – Powers and Roots IV
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Powers and Roots. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 79 – Paragraph Arguments II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal→ Reading Comprehension → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Paragraph Arguments. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 80 – Text Completion IV – Double Blanks
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Intro to Double Blank Sentences
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Text Completion→ Clear All → Check the box Double Blanks. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 81 – Verbal Practice & Review
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, Statistics & Probability. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 82 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
6.) Through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.
Day 83 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
6 Month GRE Study Plan: Month 4
Week 13
Day 84 – Geometry I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Clear All→ Only check the box next to Geometry. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 85 – Geometry II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Clear All→ Only check the box next to Geometry. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 86 – Geometry III
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Clear All→ Only check the box next to Geometry. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 87 – Geometry IV
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Clear All→ Only check the box next to Geometry. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 88 – Verbal Practice and Review
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 89 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
6.) Through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.
Day 90 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 14
Day 91 – Coordinate Geometry
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Coordinate Plane. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 92 – Coordinate Geometry II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Coordinate Plane. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 93 – Statistics I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Weighted Averages II (Advanced)
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Statistics. Do 8 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 94 – Text Completions V – Triple Blanks
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Intro to Triple Blank Sentences
Beware of Counter Intuitive Choices
Quiz: Text Completion – Triple Blanks
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Text Completion→ Select All. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 95 – Verbal Practice & Review
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, Mixed Practice I. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 96 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
6.) Through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.
Day 97 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 15
Day 98 – Statistics II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Statistics. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the eighth deck, Mixed Practice II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 99 – Counting I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Fundamental Counting Principle
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Counting. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, Mixed Practice II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 100 – Counting II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Counting. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, Mixed Practice II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 101 – Practice Test
In Magoosh, take a full-length practice test!
Be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. You want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. Remember that there are no breaks given during the GRE.
In your Magoosh dashboard, navigate to Practice → Practice Test.
Don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. That will kick off the next session.
Day 102 – Practice Test Review
Open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. For this and the remaining practice tests, pacing should be a priority.
Consider the following:
Which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?
Are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? If not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.
Can you identify questions on which you should have spent MORE time?
As always, work through the following:
Determine why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos. Don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, Mixed Practice II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 103 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
6.) Through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.
Day 104 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
Week 16
Day 105 – Probability I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Complementary Events and Simple Rules
Probability of Event A OR Event B
Examples of Generalized AND Rule
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Probability. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, Mixed Practice II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 106 – Probability II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Listing vs Counting vs Probability Rules
General Probability Strategies
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → All Math → Select Clear All→ Check the box for Probability. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, Mixed Practice II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 107 – Data Interpretation
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Data Interpretation. Do 5 questions.
Note: As with some of the Reading Comprehension questions, the Data Interpretation questions come in batches, typically 2 or 3 questions, pertaining to the same graph or chart. You should do all the questions in a set at once, which means you may do a few more or less than 5 DI questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, Mixed Practice II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 108 – Advanced Quant Comp Strategies I
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
QC Strategies – Picking Numbers
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Quantitative Comparison → Select All. Do 10 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, Mixed Practice II. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Day 109 – Advanced Quant Comp Strategies II
In Magoosh, watch the following videos:
QC Questions & Integer Properties
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Quantitative Comparison → Select All. Do 5 questions.
Error log analysis of today’s practice questions.
Congratulations! 🥳 At this point, you should have seen all of the Magoosh lessons at least once. Now the focus is going to be on a whole lot of practice and applying everything that you’ve learned from the lesson videos. But! You aren’t done with the lesson videos.
They are a resource you should return to, maybe even multiple times. For example, if there are areas in which you are still weak, you should rewatch those videos. When you miss questions during practice, you should rewatch the video(s) that covers that topic and any related videos that are recommended on the question review screen. Remember that full comprehension comes in several stages: always push yourself to reach a deeper understanding with each and every topic.
If you have exhausted or are near to exhausting Magoosh’s GRE question bank, you should feel free to supplement your practice with questions from the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb book of practice questions.
110 – Additional Practice and Review
1.) Supplemental review of content or practice in the OG or Manhattan’s 5lb.
2.) Review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ETS and Kahn Academy partnered to make.
3.) Read to Build Essential GRE Verbal Skills
Read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. As you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. Also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.
4.) If you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.
5.) Dig into Magoosh’s GRE Blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.
6.) Through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.
Day 111 – Day Off!
Rest – It’s an essential part of the process
Take a break! You deserve one!
6 Month GRE Study Plan: Month 5
**Note on daily vs. weekly: Starting with the fifth month, this schedule will switch from daily to weekly tasks. This is because at this point in your study journey, we’re switching away from daily tasks for learning to weekly thematic drilling and review that will repeat at the daily level. As always, you should feel at liberty to modify this schedule to suit your needs in terms of topic prioritization and life demands.
Week 17
Focus on mixed practice and review: During this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.
Verbal Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Verbal Error Log Deep Dive: Analyze the entirety of your verbal error log to determine whether there is a particular type of passage or type of question that most challenges you. If so, in terms of pacing, consider whether to leave that passage type for the end, or whether skipping/guessing is appropriate for the question types that you consistently miss. If you don’t identify any weaknesses, great!
If you are completing the verbal sections on time, keep doing what you’re doing. If not, consider the questions that are taking you a long time to slog through–those are questions that should be marked, skipped, and returned to after you’ve answered all the questions that are easier for you to navigate.
Once you’ve identified your weak points in the verbal section. rather than practice more of these questions, go back and review the lessons associated with them and then reattempt a few questions that you missed in previous practice sessions.
Quantitative Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Select All Math. Launch a Math Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Quantitative Error Log Deep Dive: Analyze the entirety of your quant error log to determine whether there are particular subject areas or question types that most challenge you. If so, in terms of pacing, consider whether skipping/guessing is appropriate for the question types that you consistently miss. If you don’t identify any weaknesses, great! If you are completing the quantitative sections on time, keep doing what you’re doing. If not, consider the questions that are taking you a long time to slog through–those are questions that should be marked, skipped, and returned to after you’ve answered all the questions that are easier for you to navigate.
Once you’ve identified your weak points in the quantitative section. rather than practice more of these questions, go back and review the lessons associated with them and then reattempt a few questions that you missed in previous practice sessions.
Daily Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the ninth deck, Mixed Practice III. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Week 18
Focus on mixed practice and review: During this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.
Verbal Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Quantitative Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Select All Math. Launch a Math Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of any questions you’ve missed this week.
Daily Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the ninth deck, Mixed Practice III. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Week 19
Official Practice Test and Review
Through ETS, take PowerPrep Test 1!
Be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. You want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. Remember that there are no breaks given during the GRE.
Practice Test Review
Open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. Remember that pacing should be a priority during this review.
Consider the following:
Which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?
Are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? If not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.
Can you identify questions on which you should have spent MORE time?
As always, work through the following:
Determine why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos. Don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. You’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.
Be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. If you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.
Daily Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the tenth deck, Mixed Practice IV. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Week 20
Flex Week
You earned it! Spend the time you would have spent studying for the GRE doing something enjoyable! Or if you can’t help yourself, spend some time reviewing your error log or working through targeted practice drills and review through your Magoosh dashboard or supplementary materials.
But….you should still incorporate:
Flashcard Review: (at least 15-30 minutes/day)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the tenth deck, Mixed Practice IV. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
6 Month GRE Study Plan: Month 6
Week 21
Focus on mixed practice and review: During this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.
Verbal Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Quantitative Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Select All Math. Launch a Math Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of any questions you’ve missed this week.
Daily Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the eleventh deck, Mixed Practice V. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Week 22
Focus on mixed practice and review: During this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.
Verbal Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Quantitative Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Select All Math. Launch a Math Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of any questions you’ve missed this week.
Daily Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the eleventh deck, Mixed Practice V. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Week 23
Focus on mixed practice and review: During this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.
Verbal Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Last Verbal Error Log Deep Dive: Analyze the entirety of your verbal error log to determine whether there is a particular type of passage or type of question that most challenges you. If so, in terms of pacing, consider whether to leave that passage type for the end, or whether skipping/guessing is appropriate for the question types that you consistently miss. If you don’t identify any weaknesses, great!
If you are completing the verbal sections on time, keep doing what you’re doing. If not, consider the questions that are taking you a long time to slog through–those are questions that should be marked, skipped, and returned to after you’ve answered all the questions that are easier for you to navigate.
Once you’ve identified your weak points in the verbal section. rather than practice more of these questions, go back and review the lessons associated with them and then reattempt a few questions that you missed in previous practice sessions.
Quantitative Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Select All Math. Launch a Math Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Last Quantitative Error Log Deep Dive: Analyze the entirety of your quant error log to determine whether there are particular subject areas or question types that most challenge you. If so, in terms of pacing, consider whether skipping/guessing is appropriate for the question types that you consistently miss. If you don’t identify any weaknesses, great!
If you are completing the quantitative sections on time, keep doing what you’re doing. If not, consider the questions that are taking you a long time to slog through–those are questions that should be marked, skipped, and returned to after you’ve answered all the questions that are easier for you to navigate.
Once you’ve identified your weak points in the quantitative section. rather than practice more of these questions, go back and review the lessons associated with them and then reattempt a few questions that you missed in previous practice sessions.
Daily Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the last deck, Mixed Practice VI. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Week 24 – The Final Week!
First ½ of the week: Focus on Mixed Practice and Review.
Focus on mixed practice and review: During the first few days, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.
Verbal Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Verbal → Launch a Verbal GRE Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Quantitative Practice
Navigate to your dashboard and select Practice → Custom Practice → Math → Select All Math. Launch a Math Section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). You’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
Error log analysis of any questions you’ve missed this week.
Daily Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Continue to review the cards in the last deck, Mixed Practice VI. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Second ½ of the week: Official Practice Test and Review
Through ETS, take PowerPrep Test 2! Be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. You want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. Remember that there are no breaks given during the GRE.
Final Practice Test Review
Open your error log for a deep-dive review of your final (maybe) practice test.
Consider the following:
Reflect on the testing process: Are you satisfied with your performance? Do you feel ready to take the GRE?
If yes, try to articulate the pacing choices etc. that helped you navigate this practice test successfully.
If no, try to determine what went wrong? Did you spend too long on a question that you should have skipped or guessed? Were you feeling tired or feeling frustrated by distractors?
As always, work through the following:
Determine why you missed the question
Read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
Watch any recommended lesson videos. Don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. You’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.
Double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. If you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.
Daily Additional Practice (at least 15-30 minutes)
In Magoosh’s GRE Math Flashcards
Begin to review the cards in the last deck, Mixed Practice VI. Also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.
In Magoosh’s GRE Vocabulary Flashcards
Work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the Magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.
Last Lesson
Watch this final lesson: Test Day
Day Before
Focus on feeling your best for test day!
No GRE preparation
Eat a large, healthy, leisurely dinner—no alcohol
Go to bed earlier than usual
Day Of
Eat a large breakfast, full of protein
Do relaxing, fun activities to pass time until the test
If you have any remaining time before your exam, focus on a concentrated review
For whatever days remain before your test, keep up the work on GRE math and verbal. Some suggestions for what to do:
By selecting question type and difficulty on your “Dashboard,” keep doing Magoosh problems or do problems you’ve previously attempted over again to see how you do a second time.
Keep watching Magoosh lesson videos on whatever topics you feel you need to review.
Keep reading challenging material to build vocabulary and acclimate to complex sentence structures.
Keep drilling your vocab flashcards and your math flashcards.
If you have time for more practice tests, you can check out the free and paid versions of ETS Power Prep. Another highly recommended source for practice tests are those produced by Manhattan Prep.
You have done an incredible amount of work, so be proud of what you’ve accomplished!
Good luck! 🙂
Do your best to follow this list, and you will improve dramatically over time. For more personalized support, you can sign up for a premium Magoosh GRE prep plan. We have affordable 1 month or 6 month subscriptions, or you can test out the material with a free 1 week trial. Happy studying!
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24 responses to “6 Month GRE Study Schedule”
I am fairly good at math but need a vocab centric study plan. Can you recommend a plan similar to the 6 month plan for math beginners – but focused on verbal and essay writing instead.
If you are really good at math, you might try to the Six Month: Advanced Math plan. Either with this one or with the other, you get a tremendous amount of verbal review, so don’t worry about that. Also, if verbal is a challenge for you, I would highly recommend: go through every single article on this blog written by my friend Chris. He is a verbal guru. His Vocab Wednesday videos are a fantastic way to build vocabulary. His verbal lessons inside the Magoosh product will also help you immensely.
Does all this make sense?
Mike 🙂
It does make sense. I have started reading the blogs by Chris.
Had one question for you – would you say 161 in math a good score?? I wouldn’t. So do you suggest me following the beginners in math study plan along with the one focused on verbal. I know my verbal is the one that needs real practice. I scored 153 and that did not get me anywhere this year – need a great score this year so I can go to college for sure next year.
Also is there a way some one can evaluate the AWA practice I do?
I know its too much – but can some one evaluate my statement too? Or if you can point me to a website who can help me further on this.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Dear Diksha,
Well, 161 is not great as a “final product” result, but as a checkpoint along the way, it’s not bad. Furthermore, you originally identified yourself as “fairly good at math”, which strongly suggests to me that you will pick up the math quickly. I would still suggest using the “Advanced Math” version, to challenge yourself. I think you want to really stretch yourself and reach for excellence in math, to help balance your verbal score. That’s why following the Advanced Math plan is so important for you.
As far as finding someone to evaluate your AWA, that’s hard. You might hire a writing tutor, share with that person the ETS guidelines, and pay that person to “grade” your writing and review it with you. Short of that, see what I recommend on Week 3, Day 6 — try posting the AWA on the free GMAT forums, and perhaps someone will read it there.
I hope all this helps.
Mike 🙂
hi there,
I am planning to take the GRE in about 4 months. For the programmes I am planning to apply to it is mainly the quant score that matters and not the verbal score
so I will concentrate on the quant part. Right now I am looking for the right Prep books.
You have listed the GMAT OG 12th edition for additional exercises. I just saw that there is new edition of that book. Which one would you say is better for GRE preparation.
Generally are GMAT quant questions good practice for the GRE as well? (I still have the ManhattanGMAT advanced quant book from when I took the GMAT two years ago, however I sold the GMAt OG 12th edition that I had)
Can you recommend any other good books that offer lots of quant practice. I will buy the ManhattanGRE books to make sure I get the concepts but I am still looking for more quant practice questions, preferably the harder ones.
Yes, there is now the OG13 — for your purposes, it really doesn’t matter which one you get — you might be able to find the OG12, or even an earlier edition, for much cheaper because it’s not current. GMAT Problem Solving questions tend to be a little more sophisticated than GRE MC, so in that sense it’s excellent practice. Normally, I would tell GRE students not to bother learning the GMAT DS question type, but since you appear to know it already, that’s an excellent format in which to practice all kinds of sophisticated mathematical thought. —- For more resources, see the 90 day plans, versions C & D — in particular, the NOVA book has some very challenging practice problems. The MGMAT Advanced Quant is also great. —- I would say — if you learn everything in those two books and the GMAT OG and in the MGRE math books, you will be in excellent shape for the GRE!
Mike 🙂
Thanks alot Mike 🙂
I just checked for the Nova book. The one in the study plans C and D is linked to the book review which is for the nova book for the old GRE.
Nova now seems to have releasd both the gre prep course and the gre math prep course also for the new GRE format. Are they both worth buying or should I stick to one of them (do you know if there is any overlap between them?)
I am also thinking of signing up with Magoosh. Does Magoosh offer an interactive study plan? It would be nice to have something more than an excel sheet to track my progress.
Since you are more concerned with Quant, just get the GRE Math Prep course.
Within the Magoosh product, there’s not an interactive study plan, but the system certainly tracks your progress with the Magoosh questions, and at any time, you can get a bird’s eye view of where you are with them. With the OG questions & other books, I guess I was imagining you would just have a few “stickies” bookmarks that would keep advancing as you completed those problems. Probably no need for an excel spreadsheet. (Those of us born decades before the advent of the internet tend to think that low-tech solutions to basic issues are sometimes far more effective.) 🙂
Mike 🙂
Thanks again Mike !
I guess you are right sometimes pen and paper is the easiest way to go. Too much technology might just be an unecessary distraction 😉
You are quite welcome. Best of luck to you!
Mike 🙂
Good day,
I REALLY need your help.
I would like to prepare myself for the GRE and don’t know where to begin. I’m thinking about taking the test in about 8 months and am an absolute beginner when it comes to math and basically need to prepare for all the different areas of the test.
I would really appreciate it if you could e-mail me and tell me about your program, cost and any other information you think might be helpful.
Thank you very much for your time and I’m looking forward to getting started.
Great website – thakns!
Hi, Phil
Just sent you an e-mail! 🙂
Hi Mike!
This looks like a great plan! but this plan involves only having the MGRE books optionally. But most of us do have the complete series. Could you sketch out a rough study plan involving the MGRE series as well?
Thanks for the great work!
Sanjna 🙂
Dear Sanjna: Actually, the MGRE books are only recommended as a supplemental resource, not an integral part of our plan. You are on your own to use those books as you see fit Because we don’t view them as essential, we are not going to outline a full-blown study plan for them.
Mike 🙂
Hi there,
I have been looking at your resources (website, blog, free trial etc) since late last year to begin my studying in June [I will be grad. with a B.Sc.then]. Awesome work!! I have a question about the reading recommendations. Must you actually subscribe to these websites or magazines? For example, I see that The Economist would be about 71.25 for 25 weeks. Can you simply keep up with the readings they have posted on their sites for free daily, i.e. ?
I’m just wondering because I’ve briefly read all your wonderful recommendations, including your recent Vocab PDF booklet (which, thanks by the way), and well…I feel overwhelmed with all the material to select from (i.e. The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Economist, Scientific American, The Best American Series, the National Geographic etc.
Al though, I graduate I will still have access to my university’s library resources. Do you know any of any of the recommended that can be substituted with what a University Library may offer?
Thanks a bunches team Magoosh…I will be looking forward to signing up with you guys soon.
Paola: I would say, if you will continue to have access to a university library, by all means milk that for all it’s worth! 🙂 They must get some good periodicals and newspapers. The free articles from websites like the one you cited would also be helpful. What’s important is that you are regularly stretching yourself with challenging non-fiction reading, and these two options should provide plenty of fodder for that. We look forward to serving you in the future.
Mike 🙂
Thank you!!!
You are quite welcome. Best of luck to you.
Mike 🙂
Hi –
I graduated from college in 98 and haven’t used my “school brain” since, sadly! I want to take the time to re-learn the math I’ve forgotten but I also need work on vocab. I am the mom of four kids and money is always an issue – could you let me know roughly how much this six month program, purchasing the materials you have suggested, will cost? Or if there are items that would be best to start with if you can’t purchase everything at once? Any advice you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Hi, Ami
Here are the essentials (luckily, everything but the first two items are free :)):
Magoosh GRE Prep:
ETS’s Official Guide to the GRE book:
ETS’s PowerPrep Software
a journal or notebook
Notecards (or
WordSmart (or
Recommended magazines: Scientific American, Atlantic Monthly, The New Yorker, National Geographic, The Economist
Additionally, you should be able to find most of the other books (which I would consider supplemental/optional) listed on Amazon for very cheap if you buy them used.
The daily steps for the books/websites I’ve listed are crucial, and the ones that include the other material (McGraw Hill, GMAT OG, etc.) are just for extra practice, so even with just the the material I’ve listed above, you should have plenty of study material to work with.
I hope that helps! Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions.
This plan is great!!
I’ll definitely follow the beginner’s path. Yet, there is something I would like to ask you guys.
In order to follow your Study Plan, should I buy the new edition of the books you are recommending ?
When I click the link to buy the OG through, it says that there is a newer version of the book (purple front cover. 2nd Edition). Which should I buy?
Daniel: all these current plans are designed to with the first edition, the current edition. When are you planning to take the GRE? The 2nd ed doesn’t come out until, I believe, August —- you can pre-order it now, but that’s a long wait.. When the 2nd edition is released, we will update these plans accordingly. If you are taking the GRE any time in the next 3-4 months, then use the current edition of the OG, because the 2nd edition won’t even be out yet.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Mike 🙂
This looks like a GREAT plan for me. Thank you! I was following the older recommended GRE 6-month plan, but I think this is more attuned to my needs. I’m a busy mom returning to pursue a PhD and really need a study plan that targets my weaknesses (essentially, math). I’ll give this plan a shot and let you know how it works out.
Thank you again!
You are quite welcome. Thank you for your kind words. Please let us know however we may support you. A busy mom going back for a Ph.D! Very cool! More power to you!
Mike 🙂