Top 22 Elementary Classroom Organization Hacks

Top 22 Elementary Classroom Organization Hacks

As a teacher, you accrue a lot of supplies, papers, and other things over the years. Because of this, it’s tough to utilize your space in a way that helps you stay organized. If you’re looking for ways to keep your classroom organized, check out these classroom organization hacks that you can employ this year.

  1. Use a filing box and hanging file folders to separate construction paper by color.
  2. Fashion a dish drying rack into an iPod docking station.
  3. Get a coupon file from the dollar store to organize your word wall cards.
  4. Label bins and papers with clothespins, so you can move the labels as needed.
  5. Keep puzzle pieces together in a pencil pouch.
  6. Purchase a closet organizer to hold containers or papers.
  7. Use labeled binder clips to keep stacks of paper together.
  8. Clean out soap holders to hold your flashcards.
  9. Paint your filing cabinet with chalkboard paint, so you can change the labels throughout the year.
  10. Buy a lazy Susan for your art table. Then, glue containers onto it to hold your art supplies.
  11. Get paint stirrers to organize your classroom library by reading level, author’s last name, etc.
  12. Hang a back-of-the-door shoe holder on your doors for added storage.
  13. Take pictures of your organization system, so your students know how to put everything back for you.
  14. Make classroom stools out of crates that you can use for hidden storage.
  15. Glue tacks to the back of clothespins. Then, use them to hang artwork around the room.
  16. Use an old CD case to store die-cut letters, flashcards, and other papers.
  17. Zip tie crates together to create a storage system for books, files, etc.
  18. Clean out tin cans and use them to hold pencils and other supplies.
  19. Paint your bookshelf different colors to help organize books by reading level. Each shelf could be a different color to reflect a different reading level.
  20. Hang baskets on the wall using command hooks.
  21. Cut cereal boxes into the shape of magazine holders. Then, cover the cereal box with wrapping paper to create your own stylish book or magazine holders.
  22. Place shoe racks on top of your desk for additional shelf space.

With a little bit of creativity, you can find things around your home that you can reuse in your classroom to keep everything clean and organized. What other classroom organization hacks have you seen? Share your ideas in the comments below.


  • Jamie graduated from Brigham Young University- Idaho with a degree in English Education. She spent several years teaching and tutoring students at the elementary, high school, and college level. She currently works as a contract writer and curriculum developer for online education courses. In her free time, she enjoys running and spending time with her boys!

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