Student Teaching Emergency Kit

The Van Morrison song puts it best: “My momma told me there’ll be days like this.” And when it comes to student teaching, momma was right. Some days are hard, be it emotionally, physically, or both. An emergency kit to stash in your car or desk can help!

student teaching emergency kit

Student Teaching Emergency Kit: What to Include

    1. Stain Remover wipes or pen – For when you spill your coffee on your shirt first thing and you’re really trying to make a good impression, or you get dry erase marker on your khaki pants again.
    2. Extra change of clothes – When, say, you’ve been puked on and that stain remover isn’t gonna cut it, make sure your student teaching emergency kit has some backup.
    3. Safety pins – You are moving around a lot and that Forever 21 top might not be up to the challenge.
    4. Lint roller – Realizing you brought along a bit of dog hair with your black pants is not the end of the world, but it might not be the look you’re going for.
    5. Tea or Coffee – Some days your energy level will not match your kids’ energy level. It’s good to have some caffeine back up. I also like to have some calming herbal tea in my student teaching emergency kit to relax a bit on hectic days.
    6. Mints – For when you brought a lot of onions in your lunch on the same day as that meeting you’re observing. Whoops.
    7. Mini-deodorant – For when the school air conditioning inevitably breaks, for when you get nervous teaching your first lesson (we all do!) and sweat through your shirt, or for when you have a crazy morning and forget to put it on (we all do that, too), stash some deodorant in your student teaching emergency kit.
    8. Band-aids – Paper cuts are way more common as a teacher!
    9. Tampons/Pads (if you get periods)- Of course this doesn’t apply to everyone, but not having a tampon when you need one is NO JOKE. Be prepared with what you need in your student teaching emergency kit.
    10. Water Bottle – This is a delicate balance when you have to get used to going to the bathroom on a schedule (sigh), but you do want to make sure to stay hydrated. You also may notice that your throat gets more hoarse from talking than you’re used to.
    11. Hand Sanitizer – Kids are germ pools. Protect yourself.
    12. Markers – For putting the finishing touches on posters and lessons.
    13. Stickers – Extra motivation and fun for your students. Even high schoolers secretly LOVE stickers.
    14. Protein Bar – For the crazy days when you just can’t find time to eat lunch.
    15. Chocolate – Sometimes it makes things easier.

  1. Phone number for a friend or family member who is a good listenerTeaching is stressful. Talk it out and trust that it gets easier in time.


  • Allison is an Early Childhood Educator who has been a teacher since 2010. She graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 2010 with a degree in Psychology, focused in Child Development. She began her teaching career as a 2nd grade teacher in Washington, D.C. After moving to Denver, Colorado she discovered a passion for Early Childhood Special Education. She earned a Master’s in the subject from University of Colorado Denver in 2015. She spent Spring 2016 teaching pre-service early childhood educators at the undergraduate level. Now she and her husband are on a big adventure travelling around the western United States in an RV!

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