Harvard Medical School (HMS) is widely regarded as one of the top medical schools in the country. U.S. News and World Report has HMS ranked #1 in research and #12 (tie) in primary care. Many applicants have high aspirations of attending Harvard Medical School. What are the average Harvard MCAT scores? How does one get into Harvard Medical School?

Photo by Nathan Forget
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Harvard MCAT Scores:
Harvard, along with a handful of other schools, boasts some of the highest average MCAT scores in the country. According to their website, the average Harvard Medical School student has a combined MCAT score of 36.16. If we convert this to the new scoring system, it is roughly a 518. There is no official cutoff for MCAT scores, but as the website states, “academic excellence is expected.”
Harvard Average GPA:
Besides an average MCAT score that is in the 97th percentile, the average GPA for the 2015 entering class was 3.80. The GPA doesn’t tell the whole story as it doesn’t include difficulty of coursework and major, but it’s clear that stellar grades are an important part of getting into Harvard.
Great MCAT, Excellent GPA. Got it. What else?
Prerequisite science classes. Harvard requires a year of biology, a year of general chemistry, a year of organic chemistry, biochemistry, a year of mathematics (including calculus and statistics), and a year of coursework which features expository writing.
In addition to academic record and MCAT, the Committee on Admissions at HMS lists the applicant’s essay, extracurricular activities, summer occupations, life experiences, experience in the health field (including research or community work), and letters of evaluation as important factors for a successful application. Harvard, as well as most medical schools, looks for mature people who are passionate about healthcare and who have a track record of being able to handle the rigors of a difficult course load. Excellent academics and a great MCAT score are integral to a successful application to Harvard, but are not the whole picture. If you’re looking for ways to take your MCAT studies to the next level, our online MCAT course at Magoosh now has over 700 practice questions and over 300 lessons! Sign up for 6 months, 12 months, or begin with a 1-week trial. You can use Kat’s 2-month study plan as a guide to the course.
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