So you’re trying to predict your LSAT score — perhaps because you want to determine your chances of getting into one of the top 100 law schools.
Well, I just need to get this off my chest …
There is no hard and fast way to actually predict your LSAT score. What I’m about to tell you is the best way I’ve come across to actually predict how well a student will do on the exam. But, before I get to that, you need to understand one thing.
Practice as much as possible in test-like conditions
Your practice scores will mean absolutely nothing if you don’t practice in actual test-like conditions.
There’s a lot of brain science out there on the effect sitting for an actual exam has on your brain and the rest of your body. Lots of people freeze up. Others can’t focus. There are any number of reactions people can have when put under the stressful situation of sitting for an exam that has serious implications on their future (that would be the LSAT).
Anyways, the only way you’ll be able to come close to predicting your score is, like I already said, by sitting for actual practice tests.
First you’re going to want to make sure you sit in an amazingly uncomfortable chair, with a desk that’s too small to fit both your exam booklet and your bubble sheet. Then you need to crank the air conditioner on full blast. Finally, you need to have your roommate each a bunch of cheddar flavored funions, and have him (or her) blow them on you from time.
How to practice in test-like conditions
Once you’ve taken the timed test, you need to take another one. Taking about five of them will give you a pretty good idea of where you stand. For the most part, your score will be within a few points of your average. You might do awful, and you might do amazing, but your actual score is not going to be a whole lot different from your average score.
Trust me, I took the LSAT twice. My average practice score was a 159. The first time I took the exam, I got a 150. The second time I took the exam I got a 164. While there was quite a bit of variation between my scores, they weren’t that far off from my practice average.
So, if you’ve been waiting this whole article to learn how to predict your LSAT score, chances are you knew how to do that before you decided to click on the link to this article. Take your LSAT average, and then add and subtract three points to it. That will be your probable range.
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