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Category: GRE Writing Tips

  • 8 Tips to Ace GRE Writing

    8 Tips to Ace GRE Writing

    Worrying about the GRE essay? A lot of test-takers find it intimidating to sit down at the computer on test day and have no choice but to kick things off with a 30-minute Issue Essay. Of course the writing measure can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. A handful of key GRE writing…

  • How Much Does GRE Writing Score Matter?

    How Much Does GRE Writing Score Matter?

    Much attention is often given to the verbal and quantitative scores, but how much does the GRE writing score matter? This is a topic we need to discuss as it’s oft -overlooked, so let’s dive into the GRE Writing section and find out what it is all about and why it matters. What’s the writing…

  • How to Use the GRE Essay Pool for Effective Practice

    How to Use the GRE Essay Pool for Effective Practice

    The GRE includes a unique component called the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), where test-takers are currently required to write two essays: the Issue Essay and the Argument Essay. With the upcoming changes to the GRE in September 2023, students will no longer be required to write the Argument Essay. To prepare effectively for this section,…

  • Grammar for the AWA: Subject-Verb Agreement

    This post, which is on subject-verb agreement, will be the first in a series of grammar tips for writing your AWA essays. By the time you’ve finished, you should have a solid grasp of each point and your writing will be much more polished. Your ability to cogently state and ably defend a position is…

  • AWA Time Saving Tips

    The AWA essay is no easy task. It is basically a 30-minute sprint in which you must display the poise of a ballerina. Even those who’ve trained for months find themselves running out of time at the end. Below are five time-saving GRE writing tips that can help you change an amazing 33-minute essay into…