Hello happy people!
Magoosh had a productive beginning of the year. We launched an ACT product, redesigned magoosh.com, and completed a massive re-recording project of all our math lesson videos.
In Student Help, we spent our time preparing for the busy season, looking for ways to get answers to students before they ask them, and hiring to fill needs.
But that’s not why you are here! You are here to learn all about Magoosh’s student stoke!
Stoke—By the Numbers
We’ve done a swell job keeping our students happy over the course of the first 3 months of the year. Can’t argue with these numbers. 😀
Now let’s see what sits behind the numbers and look at what the students are actually saying.
Student Stoke
If anything sums up what we strive for, it’s the sentiment in this tweet!
Heaven is where support team of every company is like @magoosh @MagooshGRE #GRE
— Majid Azimi (@majidazimi) February 6, 2015
What does it take to reach support team heaven?
A Feeling of Personal Attention
Anyone who knows customer support knows that there are two competing forces—answering questions quickly and efficiently versus providing a personalized experience for each person.
The first force pushes us towards fill-in-the-blank templates, articles on how to do something, and canned responses to common questions. The other force pushes us towards empathy—looking at what someone wrote (what was implied but not explicitly stated) and crafting a personal, thoughtful response that only that person would need.
The Student Help team strikes a balance between these two forces. We wish that we could have the staff and time to give each person a custom answer, but we aren’t that big—yet!
Even though we struggle with this, it’s great to see that we are still able to stoke our students and provide them with a personal experience.
Apparently Magoosh Rocks!
If you’ve been following Magoosh for awhile, this is not a surprise—we rock! 😀
Bright Futures Ahead
Our true passion is not test prep. It’s helping people achieve their dreams. We know everyone has incredible potential, and we want to help each one realize that potential.
That’s why these types of responses from our students are so wonderful. They remind us that Magoosh is a means towards a great end. We help build the bridge to someone’s future! 😀
Everyone Loves Prompt Responses
We value stoked students over all else. We know that our students are stoked when they receive in-depth, personal responses. And sometimes we can do that and respond quickly to their questions! 😀
Everyone’s Telling Their Friends About Us!
One clear sign of stoke is sharing it with friends. If our students feel compelled to tell their friends, then we know we are doing something right! 😀
Improved Score Stoke
We would not have gotten to this point if we couldn’t help students improve their score. It takes a lot of work from everyone at Magoosh to make this happen—Content, Product, Marketing, and Student Help. If we can’t help students improve then we are not delivering on our promise of delivering high quality materials.
Love for Mike
The quality of instruction at Magoosh is a team effort. But one man shoulders a mountain of that load—Mike McGarry! We know it, and the students know it! 😀
Magoosh is the Best Test Prep in Town!
We like to think that our content is unparalleled. What we think doesn’t really matter, though. What matters is our students, so it’s great to hear from them that they think so highly of us. 😀
Motivating and Inspiring Students
Let’s be honest! Preparing for standardized tests can be dull! That’s why we make a point of having fun and making sure that we provide a friendly, encouraging response to all our students. 😀
Holy Magoosh Stoke!
I think nothing sums up our goals and what we aim to do than this review from a student! To be placed among such holy company is quite and honor! And to know that we are able to create content that mirrors what students see on the test means we are doing things right!
Be excellent to the universe, good people! Keep the happiness high and the stoke level at eleven.
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