Praxis Test Anxiety: How to Cope

Are you nervous about the Praxis test? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Test-taking anxiety is very common, and in most cases, it is manageable, too. Let’s talk about some tips to cope with Praxis test anxiety.

Create a Study Plan in Advance

Creating a study plan that details what you will study and when in the weeks before the test will keep you from cramming and help you feel (and be!) well-prepared. Once you have your study plan, you won’t have that anxious feeling that you have to study every waking minute or pull crazy all-nighters. You can relax knowing that as long as you stick to the plan, you are all good! 😎

Practice Self-Care

Often self-care and relaxation is the first thing to go when we are busy or stressed, but this is when it is most important! If you covered the material for your study plan today, then STOP STUDYING until tomorrow. I know, that’s not what you expected to read! But your brain needs a break to process what you have learned. You can’t be “on” all the time.
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You need to get 8 hours of sleep per night, exercise, and eat nutritious foods in order to take care of your body and mind. It can also help to take deep breaths when you begin to feel overwhelmed. Then on test day, you will be a lean, mean, test-taking machine, not a zombie version of yourself.

Have a Mantra for Test Day

As test day nears, it is common for worries and anxiety to increase, even if you are totally on track for success. Take a step back and recognize that just because you are feeling nervous doesn’t actually mean that there is anything to be nervous about. In the day or two before the test, review where your testing location is, what time your test is, when you need to arrive, and what you need to bring. The night before, get together your test-taking materials and anything else you need, like directions to the test site.
Then, choose a manta or phrase to repeat to yourself before and during the test. It can be something as simple as, “I’ve got this,” or, “I have studied and I am ready.” Choose something that works for you! And when in doubt, take a deep breath and smile. 🙂


  • Allison is an Early Childhood Educator who has been a teacher since 2010. She graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 2010 with a degree in Psychology, focused in Child Development. She began her teaching career as a 2nd grade teacher in Washington, D.C. After moving to Denver, Colorado she discovered a passion for Early Childhood Special Education. She earned a Master’s in the subject from University of Colorado Denver in 2015. She spent Spring 2016 teaching pre-service early childhood educators at the undergraduate level. Now she and her husband are on a big adventure travelling around the western United States in an RV!

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