Erika Tyler-John

Magoosh Prep includes Official GRE® Questions!

Magoosh Prep for the GRE® Test features licensed official GRE questions from ETS®! This is your chance to level-up your practice with access to more official content! Keep reading to learn what this means for you.

Laptop showing official GRE questions screen

Access 100+ Official GRE® Questions at No Additional Cost!

All new and current Magoosh GRE students get access to 160 questions official GRE® questions at no additional cost! This includes:

  • 80 Verbal official GRE® questions
  • 80 Quantitative official GRE® questions
  • Full access to Magoosh’s GRE lessons, questions, and practice tests!

Do not miss your chance to prepare with official GRE questions! Sign up at Magoosh GRE prep and choose the plan that fits best with your timeline!

Official GRE Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions

What does it mean to practice with official questions using Magoosh? It means we are the only test prep company in North America where you can develop your strategies for actual GRE Quant questions like this:


At Magoosh, we believe that in order to be fully prepared for the GRE, your preparation should include practice with official content, so we’re excited to continue to expand our product so you can get your best score!

All actual GRE® content reproduced is used within the permission of ETS, the copyright owner. Inclusion of licensed ETS® content within this work does not imply the review or endorsement of ETS®. GRE® is a registered trademark of ETS®.


  • Erika Tyler-John

    Erika is the Senior Curriculum Manager at Magoosh. Having spent her professional career teaching, writing, and making YouTube videos on standardized tests, she is passionate about ensuring high-quality test prep is accessible to all students. After two cross-country moves with her two cats, Erika is an expert in getting concerned animals through airport security.

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