English Pronunciation Guide

Welcome to Magoosh’s English Pronunciation Guide! This is a reference point for lessons, articles, and audio and video resources that will help you listen and understand English. 

Pronunciation Terms

Intonation and Word Stress

Phonemic Charts

Common English Pronunciation Topics

Non-Phonetic Words

Whether you think English is a phonetic or non-phonetic language as a whole, here is a list of 150 non-phonetic words with audio pronunciations.


Minimal Pairs


Jake Pool

Jake Pool

Jake Pool worked in the restaurant industry for over a decade and left to pursue his career as a writer and ESL teacher. In his time at Magoosh, he's worked with hundreds of students and has created content that's informed—and hopefully inspired!—ESL students all across the globe. Jake records audio for his articles to help students with pronunciation and comprehension as he also works as a voice-over artist who has been featured in commercials and on audiobooks. You can read his posts on the Magoosh blog and see his other work on his portfolio page at jakepool.net. You can follow him on LinkedIn!
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