Author: Noodle Education

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  • 1 Month GMAT Study Schedule

    1 Month GMAT Study Schedule

    Preparing for the GMAT in a month? Magoosh’s expert has a GMAT study plan, 1 month version, to help get you the score you need!

  • GMAT Tricks with Systems of Equations

    GMAT Tricks with Systems of Equations

    Many GMAT test-takers vaguely remember a rule from high school, that it’s possible to solve for two variables if and only if you’re given two equations, and generally that it’s possible to solve for n variables if and only if you’re given n equations. Unfortunately, that rule isn’t quite correct as written, and even the…

  • Data Insights Questions: Graphics Interpretation

    There are twelve practice questions in this set. You should feel free to use a calculator here because an on-screen calculator will be available during the Data Insights section. The chart above shows the technology capabilities of the 20 existing high schools in Grangerville.   Questions 1) If a Grangerville high school is chosen at…

  • Guide to GMAT Data Insights

    Guide to GMAT Data Insights

    Data Insights (DI) was introduced in 2023 when GMAC released a new version of the GMAT. Your performance on the Data Insights section will account for one third of your total GMAT score. You’ll have 45 minutes to answer 20 Data Insights questions, which will involve a ton of data analysis, critical thinking, and quantitative…