Author: Grant Brooks

Grant Brooks
  • 1 Month GMAT Study Schedule

    1 Month GMAT Study Schedule

    Preparing for the GMAT in a month? Magoosh’s expert has a GMAT study plan, 1 month version, to help get you the score you need!

  • GMAT Math: Possibilities for Variables

    How do we know what the possible values for a variable on the GMAT are?  First of all, consider this DS problem 1) Is P > Q? Statement #1: P = 5*Q Statement #2: P = Q + R For folks who are not as comfortable with math, or are a bit rusty with math,…

  • GMAT Data Insights: Scatterplots

    One of the most common types of graphs is statistics and in the quantitative sciences is a scatterplot.  A scatterplot is a way of displaying bivariate data: that is, data in which we measure two different variables for each participant.  For example, suppose we ask several people both their age & their weight, or both…

  • GMAT Data Insights: Correlation and Trend Lines in Scatterplots

    One reason we graph data in a scatterplot is because we are looking for patterns.  The simplest of all possible patterns to find on a scatterplot is a straight line pattern. Correlation When the points on a scatterplot lie more or less in a straight-ish line, that is called correlation.  When it’s a straight line…